So how is everyone?, my birthday has finally come and i'm so glad i'm not going to school tommorow, i'm in so much trouble at school, I was answering back every teacher and the principal, they were being a-holes for no reason though, so no teacher is on my side at the moment but almost every student is :P . Anyway I got a few presents and got some cash, but I bought myself 4 games to get me through these last 2 weeks of school with something to look forward to.
Heavy Rain
This game is just awesome, it's a game that you can't just put down for a month and pick up and play again, you really need to find a few days were you're not doing anything and just play this game. I was told there is 22 different endings by a few other people that have played the game all the way through but thats quite a few endings to get (can someone tell me if thats true after?) Anyway, it's a great game.
SCORE: 9.6/10
Dead Space
I rented this game out before, played it for 10 minutes then turned it off, I didn't like it back then, but for reasons unknown I bought it and I freakin love it now, I will admit to almost throwing my controller at the screen on many occasions from fright, i'm not good with fright.
SCORE: 9.1/10
Medal of honor: Airbourne
OK I thought this game was pretty good to be honest, but there were a few things that bothered me, like when you scope you always lean instead of move and the lack of checkpoints really was annoying, it was a good game, but it could of been better.
SCORE: 7.8/10
Jak and Daxter: The lost frontier
I've been wanting this game for about a year now so I can finally finsh the series and I did get around to buying it and now i'm hooked, This game is freakin awesome and I can't put it down now. Tiny bit cheesey from time to time though.
SCORE: 9.4/10
Thats all I really had to say. Enjoy you're days :D