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Need to think of a better name then Purchases

I've been really wanting alot of games on the PSN store lately, so cause of this I don't really get alot of games that most of you get, but I did pick up a few games in the last few days and these are them.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

This is probably my favourite game at the moment, the amount of stuff you can do is really great. Although chaimpaighn was kinda dissapointing, I did enjoy the other modes such as Multiplayer, Zombies, Dead Ops and even that weird Zork game were you type in the commands, there all awesome. Even though i'm only like lvl. 7 and I've only ever came first in about 2 matches, I still love online and it is my favourite part of the game.

SCORE: 9.2/10

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

OK i'm just gonna say now that this is the best game i've ever played on the PSN store, it's just so fast paced and awesome, except for the boss battles, there fustrating at times. This game is great for the price you get it for, the only real flaw with it is that there isn't alot of gameplay in it, but other than that, this game is a must buy.

SCORE: 8.8/10

Mortal Kombat II

This game is actually pretty old, being realesed in 2007, no wonder theres no one online. This is a game that i'll always pass on the store and just take a quick look and not take any notice of it after, but I finnally decided to get it, what a mistake. The game is to damn hard! The first time I played the game I couldn't even get past the first stage, or maybe thats just me sucking.

SCORE: 5.5/10


Other people really seemed to like this game, I for one didn't, It got pretty boring after a while and I ended up turning it off just minutes after I started playing, But it was prretty cheep so I guess I walked right into that.

SCORE: 3.5/10

Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately guys i've been pretty busy with school, I'll try to check on some other blogs soon :D