It's time for my new lists and I really hope they all go well, ok before I say anything else I just need to explain something, there are 2 movies on here that I haven't actually seen but from what I heard about them and from just the idea of it there on the list, so don't hate if I get a few things wrong from some movies. About half the movies on this list are bad movies but the other half are on here for the reason they didn't follow the story of the game almost at all, so it's time to start this list and were gonna kick this off with a movie I only saw the half of.
10. Double Dragon
First of all they don't even look like the guys of Double Dragon, the guy on the left looks like Lee off Tekken just with brown hair and the guy on the left looks like Daniel off the Karate kid and he doesn't have blonde hair like he should, I only saw the opening and a bit of the actual movie and I gotta say the already screwed up, I was only like 40 mins into the movie and I turned it off, now the reason this is number 10 is because i've actually never played Double Dragon so I don't know how this compares to the to the game, but the movie sucks so it's on here.
9. Silent Hill
Well I wasn't expecting much from this movie but I was expecting it to be scary like the director said, Christophe Gans the director of the film said he was proud of the film, I thought it was ok but nothing great, it did have that airy feeling like in the Silent Hill games but sometimes I just didn't believe it was based off the game.
8. Animal Crossing
Kinda self explanatory.
7. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Ok this movie wasn't bad, infact it was pretty good, but the reason it's on here is for one thing, it didn't freakin follow the STORY! Dastan was meant to find the dagger in the temple were it all started off, but he found it somewhere else I can't remember, they didn't even get the first scene right. if they make a sequel then they better not screw it up and follow the actual game.
6. Street Fighter: the legend of chun li
It was simply amazing that they screwed up street fighter even more than the 1994 movie, why did they even bother releasing this film, it was nothing like street fighter in any way, the only reason I thought it was even remotely close to Street Fighter was because of the the names, if the film didn't have the names of the characters they could have called it any other film.
5. Doom
I didn't mind this movie, but like SF:the legend of Chun Li and Prince of Persia, it had almost nothing to do with the movie it was pretty much 2 hours of sarcasm and cheap scares. The onlyscene that I really liked was the FPS scene, that was awesome.
4. Mortal Kombat 2: Annihilation
Only the second movie out of the two deserved to be on here, this movie sucked beyond belief, it featured some of the worst lines in acting history and to top it all off my favourite character Raiden looked like a total retard This movie was a waste of $2.99, I thought this movie was gonna be good considering how much I loved MK at the time, but I was painfully mistaken. Now the only question left is, what 3 films could top that?
3. Alone in the dark
Sorry I couldn't find a better picture but this was about it, anyway I only saw about 5 minutes of this movie and it was enough to get on this list, I was gonna give it the 7. spot but Rotten Tomatoes gave it a score of 1/100 so I think it should get at least the 3. spot, I can't really say alot about the film since I stopped watching it after the first scene of the movie, and have you guys noticed my reviews are getting slightly shorter as I go on :P
2. Super Mario Bros
You guys knew this would on the list, I have so many flaws with this movie, and the first one is, why is Bowser a human! that is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of anyone come up with and secondly, why are the goombas like 8 feet tall? this movie makes no sense, they should of just stuck with the cartoon and made this movie a animation, but no they had to take a chance and ruin my childhood, if I were Bob Hoskins I would of ended my acting career right then and there.
And my number 1 Game that shouldn't of had a movie is...
1. Tekken
I bet you never saw this coming, but Tekken is my favourite franchise of all time and then they ruined everything by bringing out this movie, I hated it, Why a Jin and Christie a couple!? Why isn't King in it!? Why did Kazuya have a mustache!? why? why? WHY? I felt robbed when I walked out of the theatre when I saw this, not robbed of my money, the movie robbed my soul :cry: it was just cruel that they ruined Tekken like this. Thank god Eddy was in it.