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Top ten coolest characters in video games :)

The top 5 coolest characters in video games, and when i say cool i mean total badasses, Enjoy!!


Nathan Drake

Some of you might be asking your selves "Why Nathan Drake?" Well ill tell you why cause Nathan Drake is just awesome. He's a badass explorer that holds a gun in a way that makes you wanna say "damn girl you scary!!".


King Of Cosmos

Why not? he's the king of cosmos, and a gay looking cool dude, and if you don't like him, he'll moon ya 24/7 with his ass chin. The reason he's on this list is because he, well... looks like a f**, need i say more?.



Not very often do you see a man with white hair, shirtless beating up a bunch of people with a gun and pool balls, that alone says to me COOL. Dante from the Devil May Cry series is a character that dosen't get much attention but is someone every one thinks of when you say the word cool.



Look closely at this picture and tell me it doesn't look cool, if you have played the game you would know what I mean :)



The only person who can still be cool when he's like 80, Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series is the definition of cool, weather he's Solid, Liquid or Normal he can still come back with a kill, he deserves the number one spot on my list.

Well that raps up this bloggers view on the coolest characters of all time, Till Next Time =)