I recently purchased the book 'Yes Man' by Danny wallace as i enjoyed the film and became interested in his tale which i started to begin to read earlier this morning. During the reading of the first pages i came to relate myself with Wallace as he stayed in and always made up excuses not to do things or go out with people. I definatly related to this due to me saying no to LAN parties, camping trips, a trip to Meadow Hall, going out to other peoples houses and many more. I just sit inside not unhappy but also not very out going. So as i read on about his experience of a few words changed his way of life (this words being say yes more ) he resites his journeys and adventures as he does say yes to every oppotunity and how his life is unpredictable yet much more enjoyable, then leading to me deciding to uptake the 'Yes Man' role in my life to see where one simple word would lead me. Therefore me saying yes to the many oppotunites that may be either through friends or any other means. In the up and coming days if this does bring up anything exciting then i will blog about it on here to keep you all updated. So on this day forward i will say yes.
Hope your all very well.
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