by looking at all the mmos out there free to play (ftp) and pay to play (ptp) the obvious conclusion is that there are quit a few good titles on both sides, however, ftp mmos have the edge of beieing FREE and therefore have a huge initial apeal.
that being said, one could ask: if ftp mmos are good or as good as ptp mmos then why those later ones even exist? shouldnt everybody be playing for free and saving a monthly subscription?
i, myself have tried a couple of free mmos and notabely maple story and perfect world, both games are amazing, PW being more technically superior with its fancy 3d graphics etc... both games have a huge player base and many millions of fans all arround the world, when you play such games, first you are very impressed, but while progressing through the game and having a more profoundd understanding of its mechanics, you come to know that it is a HIGHLY grind grind game and that YOU HAVE to purchase items from that item mall in order to have a descent experience. now they all say no no no, you dont realy have to use the item mall (real cash) to play the game and that the item mall is just optional... but thats not true at all, the games are made in a way that a regular progression through the game will require cash items and without them, the experience is at least nightmarish if not impossible and time waisting.
now, i understand that devs need money for their effort which is really faire, but how? how would a ftp mmo make enough money for the studio who made it and still maintain it, without disturbing the game experience?
and the answer is simple:
1- an item mall that contains "non gamplay altering items". an item mall could have fashion clothing, decorative items, alternative mounts, dyie items and cutomized items etc...
BUT DO NOT CONTAIN: in game money, exclusive weapons/ armor, power up items, etc...
2- use the power of google ads (or any other ads) !
it is a very known fact that websites which have a descent organic trafic make thousands of dollars every month, why not a an mmo with millions of users?
PUT ADS you idiots and cut the crap... ok im getting angry here, ill finish this later.
leve a comment or email me any thoughts.
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