In the original Doom, and Doom II, demons used to be so aggressive that they attacked anything that moved even each other, which was one major tactic in fighting hoards of enemies...
thats not a high end system, you don't need to be an expert to know that vista is RAM vortex, and that while playing, you can breach the 2G of RAM easily if you have more than that installed... unless this game doesn't run on vista64 o_O
this guy is very wrong. actually he is very confused... just one example : i have just one question for this guy Sarju Shah : why it took you that long to come up with those screen shots??? was it that dificult? LoL i tell you what, go read little bit about CGs before comming here to discuss us with your ignorance, and probably before that you should learn how to calibrate electronic devices first. by reading the title i though it was finally some good comparision from GS, but when i saw the screen shots from GTA it was clear that this guy does not know what he is talking about. just another fanboy playing Dr. expert with nothing better to do... go write illustrated children books or something instead of waisting peoples time.
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