sams1ra / Member

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Random ramblings

Cuz I'm feeling kinda random right now.

New season, and finally, some new episodes and new shows.

I liked 'Psych' 'Burn Notice' and 'Eureka', but other than that, it was a slow summer.

Watched 'Reaper', or 'rip off'. Another Sam, making deals with devils. Well, not exactly, but it was lame. Not gonna watch it again.

Watched the 'Chronicals of Sara Connor' or whatever it's called, and was actually surprised. Here's a show other than 'Psych' I'd love to see crossed over with Supernatural. Sara and John are a perfect match. Hee. I could practically hear the boys groaning.

Watched 'Chuck'. There's definite potential there. "Don't throw up on the C4" lol. That was great.

Watched a few other shows, but they never made it past the 15 minute mark, so who cares?

Supernatural is back. Or, will be in 5 days. Less than a week. I'm kinda worried about how unexcited I am. I avoid spoilers like the plague, but I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this.

After seeing TETIK's commantery on WIaWSNB, frankly, I'm worried. Hearing Sara Gamble saying there should be more sex and relationships... *shudders*

I really hope this season is more about Dean and less about Sam trying to save Dean. There's a difference. Oh, and btw - you had better reveal what that BEEPing necklace is, soon!

Other shows are back, too.

Weeds looks good. The Unit promises more sh*t blowing up, which, always good on TV. Grey's... well, yeah, I'm into hospital dramas. Sue me. Prison Break started decent enough. Ooh, ooh, Heroes is back! The first episode was kinda good.

Other than that?

Don't ask. Don't get me started...