So, I have no idea when I'll post it on ffn, I don't have the state of mind to edit it properly, obviously. Since I won't be posting this week (hey, maybe I will, fingers crossed...) I thought I'd at least treat you to a spoiler of chapter 7. I'm updating the blog daily with all the mess that's going on here. Thanks for everyone who replies, it makes me feel a little better...
On with the spoiler - standard disclaimer - at the moment I live out of a suitcase, so how can I own supernatural?
Dean walked down the street, breathing in the cool morning air. Well, if you can call twenty minute to noon morning… He was on his way to the grocery store. For some freaky reason, he really didn’t feel like a greasy cheeseburger for lunch. A fleeting thought of eating a salad crossed his mind, but he hunted it down, shot if full of mental rock salt, and burnt it. He had his limits, after all. He figured making pasta was a good way to go. It was easy to make, Sam loved it, and there'd be plenty of it with not that much money spent. He figured he'd grab some pre-made sauce while he was at it, he really didn’t feel much like cooking.
He wasn’t sure how he felt about Sam's vision/dream/whatever. Sam seemed freaked out. He even wanted to tell Lynn all about it. Good thing Dean was back to make sure his little brother didn’t do anything stupid like that.
Dean was almost glad to know the Demon might be back for another round. He found himself anticipating it. He was just so weary, so tired of fighting. A part of him just wanted it over. And what more poignant way than by the same thing that killed his mother? The same thing that practically defined and shaped his entire life? He was never this glad not to have his father around, even if it meant he didn’t have the Colt.
But on the other hand, he wasn’t ready to go just yet. He wasn’t ready to leave Sam, not when he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this damn Demon had plans for his brother, that it wanted him. And Sam was scared enough, feeling guilty enough as it was.
He had begged Dean to fight in that hospital, he had begged Dean to come back, and Dean did, unable to refuse his little brother. And now, if Sam's fears were proven true and this chick died… Well, his brother would need him, need Dean to be the strong one. Dean sighed mentally. He was tired of being the strong one. For once, he just wanted it all to be over. He just wanted a home and a real family, and no more monsters hiding in the dark. But since when did he get what he wanted anyway?
He picked up two different pastas he knew Sam liked, and took his time choosing the sauce. The line at the register was surprisingly long considering the hour, but he was in no hurry. Geek boy was doing all the research, which, for once meant his brother might get laid. Or maybe he already had. He was less broody. He slept better, too, which was surprising considering the nightmare and its possible meaning.
Dean smirked at a cute woman not far from him. Well, he could have some fun too, while they were… waiting. Or doing a poor ass job, as he rather calling it. But hey, potato-potato, right? A sudden urge to get some fries was soon eradicated.
He moved in closer to the woman, who was trying to reach for something on a higher shelf. He effortlessly took it down for her, and she smiled at him, offering him her gratitude. He was just about to make his move when he noticed the baby stroller. Well, that was his cue. Never hit on a mother, no matter how cute. Well, there were exceptions, but not today. The baby stirred in the stroller, but didn’t seem to wake.
"That's a cute little baby you've got." He offered, and she beamed with pride. Might as well make her day. It wasn’t any day that someone like Dean Winchester flirted with you after all…
"Oh, she's just perfect, isn’t she?" the young mother beamed, reaching for the sleeping toddler and tucking the soft blanket tighter around her. Dean smiled, amusing her. "You are, you're a perfect little baby." The mother cooed, fussing over the sleeping child and Dean was about to leave when the words seemed to leave his mouth before he was even aware of them.
"How old is she?"
"Six months." The mother answered. "It passes so quickly, you know? Six months ago today I was finally out of the delivery room with this bundle of joy. That's her name, by the way. Joy." The woman smiled and Dean smiled back, though there seemed to be a lump in his throat and his stomach was doing flip-flops.
"Six months? She's six months old, today?" he asked, his voice a little husky. The mother nodded, pushing the stroller down the isle, and thanking him again for his help. Dean stared after her a couple of seconds more before going over to the register, the line having thinned. He grabbed a paper on his way, noting the date. Huh. January 24th. The front page of the local paper spoke of a neighborly feud leading to grave results and an arrest. He didn’t have the time to read it through before it was his turn at the register.
He waited outside the store a few minutes more, hoping to get a chance to have a few more words with Joy's mother. He bought himself a cup of coffee from the cart at the side of the store and started reading the paper. Two neighboring farmers were arrested the previous night for disturbing the peace and causing damages. One of the farmers apparently blamed the other for mutilating his cattle. Hmm…
Dean reached in his pocket and took out his cell phone, quickly calling Sam. He got Sam's voice mail instead, so he hung up. There was still plenty of time, anyway. Besides, did he really want Sammy anywhere near that Demon again? No. No question about it. He couldn’t stand the thought of it hurting Sammy again. Or worse; of it possessing Sammy. Of hearing Sam saying all those things out loud… Dean knew he wouldn’t survive that. He wasn’t sure he wanted to. A part of him wanted to run away as far from his life as he possibly could. Another part told him he couldn’t.
Well, that's it for now... What do you think (about the story, the war in the middle east, the fact that we can't post pics anymore!!! etc.)?