samurai256's forum posts
My mom picked me up from my school's chior rehersal and we came inches away from hittting a huge deer. I'd have gotten hurt pretty bad if we had've hit the thing.
Hey I had a similar experince in Puerto Rico. It was Nightime and me and my cousin were driving home and in Puerto Rico in some parts theres no lights in the country side and as we were driving there was a cow in the middle of the STREET!! As soon as we saw it we turned to the left and came VERY close to hitting it! If we would have hit it we probably would have died. But for some reason I wasent scared or shocked weird.
Dude I think I remember hearing that a lot of aids and STDs came from homosexuals. thenarkallaptar
I think that was just a rumor.
You use the roll-up menu in the bottom right corner. You can only do so if nobody posted in your thread.
I did it for you this time.
Heres some links and Judge for yourself.
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