VR is a cool concept but the technology just isn't there yet to produce anything actually mind blowing. Maybe in 5 or 10 years it has progressed enough to warrant a buy.
"So it came as a surprise to find there are no monsters in first-person fright fest Layers of Fear."
In my opinion you should never reveal whether a horror game has monsters or not. The fear of unknown is a powerful addition to the overall suspense in a horror game. Even if the game doesn't have any monsters, as long as you think one might pop up at any minute adds tons to the overall creepy atmosphere.
@spindie What, so they should write biased reviews from the point of view of a fan of certain series? This is a mediocre game like the score says. It definitely might score higher in the eyes of a deadpool fan who can look past some of the games flaws but not everyone can.
A survival-horror game is a horror-game in heart but it gives you the ability to defend yourself with some means like weapons, whereas in a pure horror-game you are mostly defenceless and your only means of survival is hiding and avoiding the source of horror.
Is it just me or isnt there a difference between survival-horror and horror games in general. As in amnesia- and slender-like games being the horror-genre and resident evil and dead space 1 being more survival-horror. In that regard he is right that there havent been too many survival-horror games that arent oversaturated with action.
Looks good to me on MMORPG standards, and considering its still in closed beta. The graphics are fine just wish the gameplay and especially endgame content are good.
Valve is already giving great prices and discounts and people are moaning that they cant resell their games? Why would you buy them from steam then if you know you cant resell? I have been buying games from steam for years and it has never bothered me that I cant resell because Im buying them so cheap already.
samuraisami's comments