So I want to get counter strike source for my mac so I can play with my buddies. But they all have pc's, will I still be able to play with them?
samus24's forum posts
I'm considering it
Psn: Daylong
So I'm going to my first rock concert and I'm worried about my hearing, my cousin just went to a Muse concert in Vegas and didn't use his earplugs because the music didn't sound as good, he said he was fine. Is there any earplugs that won't compromise the sound? (its also Muse :p)
Psn: Daylong
i just got bioshock and got really far, all weapons and plasmids then my cousin started a new game while i was at school and it auto saved over mine so im pissed. btw he saved over the auto save and regular save. so anywho any way to recover the save?
PSN: Daylong
so ive been using the same phone for 3 years now (razr v3) and i wanna new 1, can anyone recommend any good phones that are under $80? and that dosent use a data plan? btw i have a t-moible pre paid plan and not changing
PSN: Daylong
teh killers are awsome, their new album is the best so far
PSn: Daylong

okay here its is "Garbage day! *BAM*"
PSN: Daylong
Is there any good mmorpg that is play for free?
PSN: Daylong
MGO: --Akuma--
Should I get world tour or rock band 2?
PSN: Daylong
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