samxcor3's forum posts
I don't see how anyone could possibly claim to know this.theragu40
Yeah lets hope we see some good games come out from someone other than nintendo and capcom. Coleman85
right and then when another third party releases a killer game, itll be "lets hope we see good games from people other than nintendo capcom and (insert company)"
i have a feeling youll just never be satisfied. honestly, how many great games are even out for 360? and how many of them arent fps?how many great games are out for ps3?you could say this with any console right now.
1.) who cares about the commericals as long as you like the wii and like the games.
chill out! at least he backed his argument.
the reason i think the wii commercials are fake is because that amount of people can't possibly have nothing between their couch and's called a COFFEE TABLE!
Is this true? In IGNs hands on preview they said galaxy would run at 30 frames per second. i thought the big guns ran at 60? is this a typo??
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