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sand-which Blog

So they say Battlefield 3 will need monster rig to run on ultra settings?

When DICE community manager Daniel Matros was interviewed he stated that, "we'll need two 580s in SLI to make the most of the Frostbite 2 engine. The minimum system specifications may not be too punishing, but for those who want to see Battlefield 3 at its very best, a hefty upgrade may needed." Is this the ugly truth or just Very obvious Nvidia marketing trying to squeeze as much as they can from their PC GAMERS! Id personally say Not to beleive the hype guys,I BET on a single 580, maybe 2xAA and at a pinch disable tessellation, bump shadows down to medium, this will run FINE 'maxed' out.2560x1600 8XAA 16XAF then yes, you will probs need 2X 580's! I wish to know your personal opinion on this matter! Speak away Community:)


Console logos throughout the ages

This year, 2008, marks the 31th anniversary of the Atari 2600 release, which is what many consider to be the very first commercial video game console. And since then, the gaming populace has been privy to 21 major home consoles. To celebrate this momentous year, I have painstakingly researched and categorized each of the 18 home consoles' logos. Yes, I have nothing else better to do with my time. So, with that in mind, let's take a quick stroll through history, shall we?

atarilogo Console logos throughout the ages

Atari 2600: Here we have the granddaddy of them all: the Atari 2600. I don't really understand what this logo stands for, but it must mean something cool, as it can still be seen on t-shirts and stickers everywhere. If you're trying to convey the fact that you're a retro gamer, you probably have the Atari logo somewhere in your gaming bordello. Interesting bit of trivia: the logo was even featured in the cult ****c, "Blade Runner." After four major company restructuring periods, the main focus of the logo still stands strong today.

neslogo Console logos throughout the ages

Nintendo Entertainment System: Although the NES is regarded as possibly the most popular console ever made, the logo probably wasn't the reason why. You have the generic logo that Nintendo uses for itself, and "Entertainment System" written beneath it. Yeah, not much to look at, really. I love you Nintendo, but this just isn't what we expect from you. I'm sure it was the fact that no one gave a damn about video games when the NES came out, so a more subdued logo was the only way to get consumers to give you a chance. Apparently it was successful.

colecologo Console logos throughout the ages

Coleco Vision: Some will be amazed that I even listed this, but hey, I had one and that means it gets listed. Like the NES, there's really not much to see. "Coleco Vision" in rainbow lettering wouldn't be my first choice, but it was always more of an actual toy than a gaming console, so whoever made the logo hit the nail on the head.

masterlogo Console logos throughout the ages

SEGA Master System: The Master System was the very first SEGA console in America. It was basically SEGA's answer to the NES. Sadly, it never really caught on, as most people seem to only remember the Genesis. And as we can see, SEGA was apparently still holding back on that edgier attitude that we would come to see from the company in the next few years, as the logo is as boring as the NES logo.

genesislogo Console logos throughout the ages

SEGA Genesis: Now we're talking. The Genesis was the system that put SEGA on the map. For all those gamers out there that were getting sick of the cute games that were being released on the NES and SNES, SEGA brought to the industry an attitude that some still swear by. You can kind of see it in this logo, what with the metallic plaque surrounding the very sharp and jagged Genesis lettering.

sfamlogo Console logos throughout the ages

Super Nintendo Entertainment System: The American version of the SNES logo is barely a step up from the NES logo. Take out the oval, put "Super" in the front, and italicize it all. Hardly super in my mind. Now the Japanese logo, that's a different story. Sleek, simple, and semi-colorful. Not as amazing as the Atari logo, but still a great effort from Nintendo. Interestingly, Americans could actually see this logo on those plastic cartridge protectors.

3dologo Console logos throughout the ages

3DO: After Trip Hawkins left EA, he went on to release the predecessor to the PS3: the 3DO. And by that, I mean they are priced almost exactly the same. As for the logo, we have a circle, spherical cube, and a sharp-edged cube levitating in the air. Aside from redundant square-based shapes, the logo is pretty appealing. I'd have to say it's the best one for the time, with nothing matching it until the PS1 logo.

*Updated to correct three shapes logo

16logo Console logos throughout the ages

TurboGrafx-16: This is actually one of the more intriguing logos. This must have been devised when the whole "bits war" was going on. Instead of having commercials scream at the person about how many bits the system was running, NEC skipped all that and put the number in the logo. But it's definitely a more eye-pleasing logo when compared to the rest at the time.

neologo Console logos throughout the ages

NeoGeo: If you look at this thing closely, it's actually kind of freaky. The faces are basically cardboard cutouts, with sharp angles pertruding everywhere. It looks like something you'd see in a book about voodoo. This is, in my opinion, probably the worst logo of them all. It just looks weird.

jaguarlogo Console logos throughout the ages

Jaguar: This one is freaky, but in a stylish and modern way. The font is scraggly on the edges, and it has the 'R' with the claw marks. It's more of a type-based logo, with very little emphasis on the eyes. And they seem a little small to me. I think they were on to something, but didn't go far enough with it. Lost potential, I say.

saturnlogo Console logos throughout the ages

SEGA Saturn: After something like the Genesis logo, the Saturn seems a little **** to me. It's cool to have a planet as a logo, but the metal ring surrounding it is just too wimpy for my tastes. Maybe the size of the ring represents how many games came out for it?

pslogo Console logos throughout the ages

Sony Playstation: This logo has actually been used for the Playstation brand in general, and has appeared on every Sony console up until now. For 1995, it's pretty cool. It brings the idea of 3D to the forefront, and somehow reminds me of the whole "multimedia" thing that everyone seems to like. As for a logo now, it's definitely in need of an upgrade. And it totally needs an "A" for arrogance in there somewhere.

64logo Console logos throughout the ages

Nintendo 64: Following the footsteps of the TurboGrafx-16, Nintendo decided to slap the consumers noggin with one of the system's hardware specs by putting a big 64 right in the logo, based on the fact that it ran as a 64-bit machine. In retrospect, this logo is pretty similar to the PS logo. Same colors, same 3D-ness. With a track record like Sony's, I'd say that Nintendo probably came up with it first. Just like rumble, the analog stick, motion control, etc.

dclogo Console logos throughout the ages

SEGA Dreamcast: Poor little Dreamcast. You were such an innovative piece of gaming history. Even your logo was innovative. It was also probably the first example of where a logo was animated when the system was booted up. And the fact that the line is a little scribbly made it seem like the company was trying to show how devoted it was to making games with a more stylistic approach. Still one of my personal favorites, too.

cubelogo Console logos throughout the ages

Nintendo GameCube: Oh jeez. Nintendo messed up by releasing the system in that cute purple color, and it seems the logo fell to the same affliction. Reminiscent of the N64's "3D-ness," the GameCube logo was actually kind of a cool design. Got the whole cube look down perfectly, and it's nice and simple. Color choice aside, Nintendo did a pretty good job with it.

xboxlogo Console logos throughout the ages

Microsoft X-box: Microsoft's first foray into the console race had itself a logo that just screams "marketing campaign." It's neon green, and was a giant X. If that's not 90's trendy, I don't know what is. And I'm sure they paid a hefty price tag for this gem, too.

wiilogo Console logos throughout the ages

Nintendo Wii: Although this is very much in line with what Msoft was trying to do with the Xbox, Nintendo made a wise choice to go with the name Wii. It's short and sweet, and is rife with that whole "i" thing that Apple started. It's trendy to the point of nausea, but it's not as annoying as say, a big green X, and I have to say they pulled it off rather well.

360logo Console logos throughout the ages

Xbox 360. I'm not really sure what the system's actual logo is. It can either be the Dreamcast rip-off with the circles, or it an be the spherical neon X that you see when you boot up the system. The circles annoys me, seeing as how they stole it (among other things) from the Dreamcast, and the X-sphere is just an evolution on the original Xbox logo. I guess it's not the worst thing possible, and it is a lot better than what Sony does with it's home consoles' logo (read: nothing). I also like the animation of the X digging into the sphere. Very trippy, indeed.

So there you have it. Anyone have a personal favorite? I'm sure one of you has a wardrobe just filled with these suckers. I know I do.

Orange Box Is Worth Every Penny!

Man! the Orange Box Is A Collection Of Some Pure Ass Kicking Games.Half Life 2 Series yall already no They rock,Team Fortress One Of The Best Multiplayers Availabe Yet! The One Which Took My Attention Is Portal. 1st I Thought O'Cmon another Stupid Boring Puzzle Game,I Stand Corrected! Damn This Game Rocks Yall Should Try It!

The Ending Song Of Portal Took My Heart lol ;) That Song Is Smooth! (Jonathan Coulton - Still alive )



Red Alert 3!

Man Finally Some Good News!

Who Els Is Exited About This!!!

But It Looks Pretty Much Like Tiberium Wars.I Wonder If It Will Destroy The Red Alert Reputation, If It Does Ill F**** Up EA lol ;)

I Also Heard That There Gonna Be Allies,Soviets and a Mystery Side ,lol Yuri Stuck In The Dinosour Age Wonder Whats The New Side Is hmmmm Maybe Yuri's Son???

Any Way Soo Exited !;coming_soon;title;6


red alert 3

Users That Should Not Post Reveiws?

Users That Havent Finished A Certain Game Without Any cheats That Thier About To Review Should Not Write it as i see it.

In order to get the proper game experence the user should finish the game without cheats then think about writing a review

Or ELs u can be a another jerk who ruins a good game!

Yall Agree?

area 51

Golden Games That Can't Be 4goten!

Wolfenstein 3D

Technical implementation

In-game screenshot

To render the walls in pseudo-3D, the game used ray casting, a special case of ray tracing. This technique sent out one ray for each column of pixels, checked if it intersected a wall, and drew textures on the screen accordingly, creating a one dimensional depth buffer against which to clip the scaled sprites that represented enemies, powerups, and props.

Before Wolfenstein 3D, the technology had already been used by id Software in 1991 to create Hovertank 3D and Catacomb 3D for Softdisk, albeit using only EGA 16-color graphics (which the game was designed to use, early in development). Other games using the Wolfenstein 3D game engine or derivatives of it were also produced, including, Blake Stone, Corridor 7, Operation Body Count, Super Noah's Ark 3D, Rise of the Triad, Shadowcaster, and Hellraiser.

According to id Software programmer John Carmack, the game's engine was inspired by a technology demo of Looking Glass Studios'/Origin's first-person CRPG, Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss from 1991. Carmack claimed he could make a faster renderer. In this he was successful. The Wolfenstein engine lacks many features present in the Underworld engine, such as height changes, sloped floors and lighting, but it runs well on relatively weak hardware.

"Holo-walls" are walls created by mapmakers using a glitch in the PC version's engine. They are walls that the player can walk through, and are used in some total conversions to simulate windows that players can climb through, and hedges that players can walk through. One way of creating holo-walls is to place a dead guard in a wall.

My 1st Game and Best Oldie Game eva!

Doom 1 and 2

Engine technology

Doom relies heavily on contrasts of lighting in building its atmosphere.

Doom's primary distinguishing feature at the time of its release was its realistic 3D graphics, then unparalleled by other real-time-rendered games running on consumer-level hardware. The advance from id Software's previous game Wolfenstein 3D was enabled by several new features in the Doom engine:

  • Height differences (all rooms in Wolfenstein 3D have the same height);
  • Non-perpendicular walls (all walls in Wolfenstein 3D run along a rectangular grid);
  • Swaying of the weapon (in Wolfenstein 3D the arms stay fixed in front in the screen no matter what the character does), this gives the impression of fluidity while walking or running;
  • Full texture mapping of all surfaces (in Wolfenstein 3D, floors and ceilings are not texture mapped);
  • Varying light levels (all areas in Wolfenstein 3D are fully lit at the same brightness). While contributing to the game's visual authenticity by allowing effects such as highlights and shadows, this perhaps most importantly added to the game's atmosphere and even gameplay; the use of darkness as a means of frightening or confusing the player was an unseen element in games released prior to Doom.

In contrast to the static levels of Wolfenstein 3D, those in Doom are highly interactive: platforms can lower and rise, floors can rise sequentially to form staircases, and bridges can rise and descend. The life-like feeling of the environment was enhanced further by the stereo sound system, which made it possible to roughly tell the direction and distance of a sound's origin. The player is kept on guard by the grunts and growls of monsters, and receives occasional clues to finding secret areas in the form of sounds of hidden doors opening remotely. Monsters can also become aware of the player's presence by hearing distant gunshots.

Carmack had to make use of several tricks for these features to run smoothly on home computers of 1993. Most significantly, Doom levels are not truly three-dimensional; they are internally represented on a plane, with height differences added separately (a similar trick is still used by many games to create huge outdoor environments). This leads to several limitations: it is, for example, not possible for a Doom level to have one room over another. This two-dimensional representation does, however, have the benefit that rendering can be done very quickly, using a binary space partitioning method. Another benefit was the clarity of the automap because it could be displayed with 2D vectors without the risk of overlapping.

Another important feature of the Doom engine is a modular approach that allows the game content to be replaced by loading custom WAD files. Wolfenstein 3D was not designed to be expandable, but fans had nevertheless figured out how to create their own levels for it, and Doom was designed to take the phenomenon further. The ability to create custom scenarios contributed significantly to the game's popularity (see the section on WADs below).

1st game made me had night mares!

Comand and Conquer

Setting and plot

A screenshot of the N64 version of the game.

Command & Conquer is set in the latter half of the 1990s and early 21st century, after a meteorite crash lands near the river Tiber in Italy. The impact introduces an alien substance to the world dubbed Tiberium, which becomes of unprecedented value due to its unique property of leaching nutrients from the surrounding soil and crystallizing them, emitting highly toxic gases in the process.

An ancient and quasi-religious secret society, known as the Brotherhood of Nod, proves to somehow have foreseen the potentials of this new substance, and reveals itself to have been investing in the development of technology to harvest the Tiberium crystals ahead of the established scientific communities. They soon control almost half of the known supply of what has become the most valuable commodity on the global trade markets[12], and use these assets to sustain a rapidly growing army of followers worldwide under the leadership of a charismatic and self-proclaimed messianic figure, who is known only as Kane.

Following a series of relentless international bombings which culminate in the destruction of the fictional Grain Trade Center in Vienna, a wave of mass panic and fear begins to sweep the globe. These acts are ultimately attributed to Brotherhood of Nod terrorists and their leader, Kane. The United Nations Security Council realizes Nod has systematically begun with the unfolding of a centuries-old plan for world domination, and sanctions the G7-based Global Defense Initiative task force to intervene on its behalf, inadvertently setting a conflict in motion that will escalate into a modern world war.

1st Game That I coundnt stop Playing over and over!

Area 51 (arcade)


Image:Area 51 (video game).png

The game takes the player through several sections of the facility, including a warehouse and underground tunnels. The player must kill all of the genetically altered sceintists and aliens without harming any allied STAAR team members (at the cost of one life point),however if nothing but three STAAR team members are shot, an alien mode will be started. None of the actual aliens will appear until the office level.

The game is notable for its use of digitized video stored on an on-board hard disk, and the bizarrely contrasting unrealistic gibs into which every enemy blows apart when shot, in exactly the same way. While enemies, innocents, and explosions are 2D digitized video sprites, the levels and vehicles are rendered in 3D.

Another interesting note about the game is its several "backdoors"; by shooting certain objects in the correct sequence players can unlock shooting exercises, weapon stashes, and gain bonus items that are not available in the main game plot.

The game's arcade board, CoJag, is a modified Atari Jaguar with enhanced graphics and sound capabilities.

Area 51 allows the players to start at the beginning of the game or warp ahead to the middle of the game.

I lost count of money I put on tht machine!

Need For Speed 2 (1997)

Image:NFS II (PC, US) cover art.jpg

Need for Speed II featured some of the rarest and most exotic vehicles ever available, including the Ford Torino concept vehicle, and features country-themed tracks from North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. A new racing mode was also introduced in NFS II dubbed Knockout, where the last racers to finish laps will be eliminated until the only leading racer remains, and wins.

Many fans of the first edition of Need for Speed were disappointed to find NFS II was arcade-like instead of preserving the realism of NFS.[verification needed] Though the gameplay was arcade-like, the levels were intricately well designed.[verification needed] In addition, track design was more open-ended; players could now "drive" off the asphalt, and even cut across fields to take advantage of shortcuts.

The PlayStation port of NFS II is the first PlayStation game to take advantage of not only the NeGcon controller, but both the Dual Analog and the DualShock controllers as well.

The special edition of NFS II, Need for Speed II: Special Edition includes one extra track, extra cars, and support for Glide, the then-burgeoning 3D graphics standard used in 3dfx's Voodoo and Voodoo 2 graphics cards.

This is when gaming got much intresting!

Those Are My Golden Games nd Their Beutiful Memories!

Upcoming Tiberium The Game!

Tiberium (video game)

The announcement image of Tiberium.


Developers(S)-EA Los Angeles

Publisher(s)-Electronic Arts

Released -Autumn 2008

Gener-Action,First Person Shooter

Mode(s) -Singleplayer, Multiplayer

Platforms(S)-PS3,PC,Xbox 360.

Tiberium is a new tactical first-person shooter video game title in the Command & Conquer universe, currently under development at EA Los Angeles (EALA), the studio behind the Medal of Honor series and Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1] The game features squad-based gameplay mechanics. It has been confirmed by a source with inside knowledge of EALA that the project is a "Renegade/Battlefield-****FPS".[2][3] Tiberium was initially revealed when shots of the January 2008 issue of Game Informer was leaked,[4] but was officially announced by EA just a day after. Prior to the announcement, the game had been in preproduction for two years.

Crytek's FPS game engine CryENGINE2 was licenced to EA Los Angeles in February 2007, and it was stated at the time that a new FPS title in the Command & Conquer universe is very likely. This suggest that Tiberium may use this engine, however, it may as well be used with any other game EALA are or are going to produce.


The game takes place 11 years after the Third Tiberium War in a wasteland that was once the Mediterranean Sea. The player takes the role of GDI Commander Ricardo Vega, who is exploring an alien tower in this area. The tower is believed to be a relic from the Third Tiberium War but turns out to be the base of a planned alien invasion.


  1. *EA Reveals TIBERIUM and Launches Players Into An Epic Battle for Power. Electronic Arts (2007-12-). Retrieved on 2007-12-19.
  2. *EA making a new Command & Conquer FPS?. GameSpot (2007-09-20). Retrieved on 2007-09-22.
  3. *C&C FPS (unofficially) confirmed. GameSpot (2007-09-21). Retrieved on 2007-09-22.
  4. *HeXetic (2007-12-11). New C&C FPS Previewed in GameInformer?. PlanetCnC. Retrieved on 2007-12-12.
  5. *Crysis Goes In-House at EALA. Mediafleet (2007-03-03). Retrieved on 2007-09-24.
  6. *EA mines Tiberium. GameSpot (2007-12-18). Retrieved on 2007-12-19.