I had put GS on hold for the last few days - exams, TV and most importantly anime!
Bored with gaming and with no good books to read, I turned to anime to satisfy my craving for a good story (and some inspiration for my new literary venture).
I wouldn't say I'm a big fan of anime. Yes, I was crazy about Dragonball Z (note was because it started going downhill after the Frieza arc) and recently I was bit by the Naruto bug. For the last three years I've been on and off Naruto, waiting for the anime to move forward significantly so that I need not wait for each episode every week (I don't like stories broken into so many small and slowly progressing chunks). But I was quite sure I'd never fall for another anime... and yet, I fell for it ---
---Code Geass took me by storm. For the last two days I've been watching both parts of Code Geass and have just finished all the 50 episodes. What can I say? The series left me trying to figure out what I actually felt about it. The only thing I can say for sure is that it was an awesome 50 episode ride.
Okay, the setting is not very original (mechas anyone? ) and same can be said about the plot. However, the the one thing that the series managed to hit right on spot were the characters, or to be more precise, a character called Lelouch. If not for anything, the anime should be watched for Lelouch alone. Of course, inspite of a few irregularities in the plot, it showcased some brilliant execution, which again has a lot to do with Lelouch's portrayal. It leaves you in the dark on what Lelouch's next move would be without the cheap dramatics(of course, there are dramatics, but it doesn't grind you as happens in a number of other anime).
The character philosophies here(standard fare of every anime) aren't actually praiseworthy because it's not something everyone would accept and moreover they are weakly presented.
I can easily say that (with some normalizations applied) that Lelouch is one of my most favourite characters across all forms of storytelling - books, games, movies, anime...
Oh and maybe I might be writing a comparative review of the animes I've watched after I finish Fullmetal Alchemist, which I'm moving onto next.
I'd like to know what you guys think about CG. If you haven't watched it, I suggest that you do... and then of course comment here.