Okay, firstly let me thank all those who posted in my latest blog, something I really put some effort into. Now to business.
Again, let me apologise for those 200+ persons in my friends list whose blogs I have not posted. It's not that I'm overlooking u guys. U see the problem's with my slow connection coupled with the lack of time. I have little time to spend, now exams r upon me. (I just wrote an exam today) My 256kbps connection is still a bit unreliable and sometimes slows to a snail's pace. So I just don't have the time to comment in everyone's blogs.
Secondly, sometimes I read your articles but I just don't know what to comment. One example is foxhound's latest blog on Castlevania. I don't have the game and know nothing abt it. So I can't comment anything.
Thirdly, I simply don't have time to watch the videos or audios you guys post in your blogs and I'm sorry for that. As I said my net connection is slow and taking time off GS to watch a video isn't on priority list.
So hope you guys understand and don't refrain from posting in mine:)
As I said I'm definitely not overlooking u and I'll try my best to post all your blogs