Yeah as the title of the article says, I'm leaving on my Industrial Visit trip to Bangalore\Mysore (How many of you have atleast heard of Bangalore?) It's a three day trip and I'll be returning on Monday morning. Actually the trip to the industry is scheduled for tomorrow(Friday) morning, according to the local time, so we'll be goofing around the rest of the time... some sightseeing and maybe a little shopping. See ya.
Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction update:
The game may be old but it is a great game. Defeated Andariel at the end of Act I a few days back, but only yesterday did I take the trip east to Lut Gholein. I was levelling up my character in Act I. Gotta kill Radament next in the Lut Gholein sewers.
Name: Neo
Basic Character C-lass: Necromancer
C-lass Specialization: Summancer
Level: 19
Gold in possession: 251,117
Strength: 48
Dexterity: 51
Vitality: 36
Energy: 43
Skills learnt: Blood Golem(L1), Clay Golem(L2), Raise Skeleton(L2), Raise Skeletal Mage(L2), Bone Armor(L1), Bone Wall(L1), Teeth(L1), Corpse Explosion(L1), Amplify Damage(L1), Iron Maiden(L1), Dim Vision(L1), Weaken(L1), Poison Dagger(L1), Skeletal Mastery(L2), Golem Mastery(L1)
(PS. GS does not allow the use of the word spelled by C.L.A.S.S)