Supreme Commander- Is it really that great or is it notas good as it is hyped up to be?
Well, I can't comment on that one for now, not until I play the game personally. I have been following the game's reviews from the day I read a pre-release review of the game that I had read in a mag. That article portrayed the game to be a hallmark in RTS gaming, with cool graphics, innovative gameplay, etc. But a lot of post-release reviews and comments showed that it was not as good as it was ought to be.
For example, there was one review that said that there was powerful graphic engine behind it and that innovative three-dimensional gameplay and so an. But it was said that the vastness of tha maps and the possibility for numerous battles occuring simultaneously made the whole thing hard to control. Yet another review said Supreme Commander was hardly worth the name it had created for itself before it hit the shelves. It said that the game was too flashy with inadequate substance. There were more reviews ;ike these.
On the other hand, I also came across reviews that really made a big issue of the game. There was this one review that said Supreme Commander was the best thing to happen to RTS in a long time.Said it was must for every RTS fan.
I still can't figure out how good it is and until someone explains to me in detail the various aspects of the game or until I play it myself, I will probably be clueless.
Either way I am gonna get it no matter how bad or how good it is.