And finally, my exams have come to an end. It was easy, most of 'em but still, the Maths and Science papers were a bit thinky. Aah Forget it! Now my exams are over and got one month full of Holly-Jolly days. I'm gonna shop for some games like AC: Brotherhood, Dragon Age II, Portal 2, Crysis 2 (which I wanted the most) and lots of other stuff. Its a bit sad that most super rockers will be coming around 2012. Anyways, I'll buy what I can get and also expect some major rewards from my Dad since its my b'day on May 24. Yippee!! Most probably, a new GPU (GTX 560Ti) or Processor. I'm happy with both of 'em! :D Then, we'll visit some temples or go out of state to TN or Bangalore. It'll surely be a great vaccation and also, invited all for b'day ;). And I'll be posting more reviews and other stuff so guyz, please comment. ;) And also, I made a new website, mainly for my neighbours around here who wish to hear interesting things on computer and technology. You guys too visit, share and comment. Also, please give feedbacks and suggest improvements with the site. The link is:
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