ok a friend of mine gave me a letter saying
" i should give u the basice be4 i start my story ive known this girl noimi 4 awhile and weve been great friends recently we decided that i am her new brother and honorary member of her familyhr parents even like me i have a certain spot the dinner tabeli even have my own green tooth brushand now i am never allowed to see her again AND 4 ONCE IT ISNT MY FAULTnoimi has a boyfriend named brian who please excuse my strong language but the situation calls 4 it who is completly fuc**d up in the head to the extent where i really really think he should find perfessional helphe is completely paraniod over noimihe cuts himself all the time and he knows it hurts her but but he does it anywayhe does it on the phone with her and he screams aand cries everyday on the phone with her making her cryeveryday he has threatened to kill himself 14times in the last 2 monthshe beats himself phicisally with her on the phone punching himself nonstopuntil she is crying and begging him to stopand he just keeps going torchering hermaking her think she is selfish because she wants to be with her friends those friends she isnt alowed to talk to anymorebecause brian has thrreatened to kill himself if she goes outta the house 4 anything but schooland if she absoulutely has to go do somthing with her family he has made her cut herself twice she hates the concept of cuttinghe has been doing this since ive known herive had to watch her sit and suffer under this guyand she wont leave him this is her first relationshipwith this guy her very first boyfriend and u would think ur first relation ship would be nice fluffy and innocentbut no she is thrown into somthing far to advanced 4 her to deal with more people than me have told her she needs to leave him but she wontif her family knew they owuld not allow iti know this is going to wreck her this is going to ruin love 4 the rest of her lifei know this is going to perpetuate when she gets older shes going to end up with the same kind od guy and its going to kill herbrian will never kill himselfand i know this i may not know brian but he is way too selfish to kill himself he is using her love as a way to control her he doesnt love her r respect her i knwo its weird but im actually starting to go big brother mode i wanna kick the crap outta the guyand i am in no way a violent personshe has save EVERYTHING 4 brian he has had sex with 2 people already and with a person almost twice his ageand he told noimi all about it i do not want 2 stand 4 this but i do nnot want to hurt her i want her 2 be happy but she thinks she is happy with her life the way it is and just today she said to me "i hate u i never wanna see u againi mean it"she was crying when she said it i knew brian made her say itshe is in an abuseive relation ship and i want so badly to save her and keep her safebut how any siguestion on wat i should do how about her email address ?...nah im not that evil.........yet
if u ask me brian sounds like a retarted ass!!!!!
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