sarakin / Member

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sarakin Blog

Man....haven't done on of these in a while.

ok first off Two Worlds for 360 just is not very good. Check out my review to find out why i think so.

and also... beat Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 woohoo. Loved the final boss in metroid but bioshock's was kinda disappointing. oh well both are amazing games but Bioshock had the better story while Metroid was definately more rewarding in terms of difficulty and stuff. Plus it's the first shooter to work well on Wii. BLAHBLAH FPA screw it you shoot things and therefore it is a form of shooter and adventure shooter sounds ok. But the shooting while somewhat easy was incredibly fun. Actually felt like you were aiming and stuff.

maybe i shoulda reviewed those two games to. After all i actually played a bit of them. Oh well.

Anyone wanna play Battlefield? once it stops punkbustering me for no reason of course.

It's Probably Karma for something

Righto so i haven't done a post thingy in a while...allthough maybe thats cuz no one reads them.

Not much to talk about except that my Xbox 360 broke on me. Not sure why but P.O.S comes to mind. Don't know what that means? look it up.

So i had to call the 1-800 number and then they mailed me a box....and not a official Xbox box like i had been expecting. It was just a box with a sticker inside and some foam for me to put around my 360 so it wouldn't break (As if it was in good condition so thats why im sending it to them). I mailed the box with my 360 in it yesterday. It's a very stupid and drawn out procedure. My friends dad says it's so people will give up and just go buy a new one, which makes sense because i'm extremely aggravated already and im finished with it until they send me back my 360 (or a new one out of laziness).

 So yes lucky lucky me. And I'm missing out on the Halo3 beta because of this. It crashed like 3 days before the beta started. And my poor Guitar Hero2. It needs some love too.

My little Movie


I uploaded this a bit ago but i thought more people should see it so im gonna blog it. Heh blog it sounds kinda dumb if you say it out loud.

Anyway it's a little movie i made using clips from Naruto and the opening theme,Kazenone, from final Fantasy Crystal Crhonicles.


I finally got my DS lite. i got animal crossing wild world and worms open warefare. i am most pleased.

I'll probably set up the whole wifi thing in a day or two so ill take any friend code requests now and get back to you in a bit.

worms is pretty good, would be better with online though. seems to be all thats missing and a couple of the weapons from previous games. i love the voices though.

i never got to play much of the other worms games so that might be why i like it so much. big fans of the games might find it inferior.

Yes i know im a freak.

Just because im bored i thought i would tell the like half a person who probably reads this that i never actually liked LoZ: ocarina of time or majoras mask. i loved wind waker. i have no idea why but i couldn't get into the N64 ones. i had a couple of GBA ones and i beat them but they were limited. Four swords I loved because of the 4 player brawling that we did when we were supposed to be cooperating.

whoever is out there what do you think? Most people didn't like wind waker as much mainly because of the weird art style i love that style though especially the explosions and when enemies die. Whats your opinion on the LoZ games?

ok so harvest moon is fun and all but.....

i really dont have anything to write about since i haven't got a new game in a while. not since rampage and harvest moon magical melody. damn you giant cows. that game was so addictive. it's kinda gotta keep shipping eggs to do....something. stupid musical notes.

ok so to let you into my little world. i think of games like harvest moon in a different way. i dont see it as me having fun. i see it as trying to dominate the village by buying everything and making an army of chickens to force the mayor to do my bidding. and while none of this is actually happening in the game. it is my sick twisted little mind.

hope you enjoyed my take on harvest moon maybe ill talk about something else tommorrow.