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Does anybody REALLY care what I think?

I was going to cheat on this and use that trick that we all learned in high school and change the font size in order to make it look like this was way longer than it really was, but then I remembered that this is me and not do I like to use the hell out of some parenthesis, but I also possess the uncanny ability to ramble on and on and on. Seemingly forever. That's why blogs are great, because I can sit here and talk on and on and feel self important enough to think that somewhere out there in cyber-space there is someone bored enough to actually give a rip about what the hell I think about.....stuff. The truth is, I myself find it curious why ANYBODY would care about what ANYONE would think about whatever it is they're writing about. Perhaps it's an argumentative thing. For this example we'll use ChubbyWubby66, (a completely made up name, though i firmly believe that somewhere out there there really is a fact if there's not, then I'm going to totally take it.). Anyway, so ChubbyWubby66 is just sitting there surfing the 'net, you know, bidding on stuff, checking e-mail, updating their personal space pages;all the normal things that you do when you're at work. So in the midst of waiting to see if they won that cool combination dvd player/waffle iron, ChbbyWubby66 happens upon a blog written by Eggsersizer21, (another sweet, possibly untaken 'Net handle.). Now, it seems as though there was a big news story about ol' man McDougal's Crispy Buns Bakery burning down to the ground, (in what kind of time or town this would actually be news in is up to you to decide.), and everyone is really bummed. Everyone that is, accept for Eggsersizer21. They think that ol' man McDougal was actually in debt up to his quaint country overalls to the local mafia and thus burned his bakery down to collect the insurance money and they tell the world so on their blog page. ChubbyWuuby66 reads it and is immediately angered. So ChubbyWubby66 writes a scathing reply post and really sticks it to the Eggsersizer. Feeling that ol' man McDougal has been vindicated, ChubbyWubby66 can now return to work happily-and fulfilled. What ever the reason, blogs are as big a part of of culture now as bad reality tv and certain coffee shops spreading like plague. (There are literally town in my city right down the block from each other.) And now, the worst part is, I've entered the stream.