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he's HOW old?!?!?!?

A man by the name of Bob Dylan, (perhaps you've heard of him, oh neat-o reader?), once penned a lovely song that went by the title, "The Times They Are A-Changin'". (Uncle Bobby was such a rebel, that he thumbed his nose at grammatical correctness, forsaking the "-ing" ending in favor of the more hip "-in'".) Surprisingly enough it was about the times and how they are a-changin' right before our very eyes. When I first heard the song I dismissed it as mere '60s hippy crap, after all I was a much younger cat back then, (and for the sake of my pride we'll leave it at that), and I was certain that either A). my times would never be a-changin' or 2). even if they did decide to a-change, I'd be too busy being too cool for this planet, that I wouldn't even care or notice, for that matter. Then I had kids and I realized, brazen reader, that not only do the times a-change, but they do it with a quickness. My oldest son turned two yesterday and I really wasn't ready for it. Anyone with kids can feel me on that one. I mean, on one hand, of course, you want them to grow up and get their dream on. You want to play the role of the supportive parent, rising and falling with them at every turn. But on that ever present other hand, you want them to stay little forever. You want them to always need you, (because you will always need them), and the thought of that first time they look at you with that "you're embarassing me" look on their face, you know that a peice of you will be a-changed forever. But what can you do? They have to grow up, and you have to let them. It's all a part of life, like it or lump it. It just kind of blindsided me, I guess. But then again, not really. I mean, after all, my wife and I spent he last coupke of weeks reminding him, (and perhaps, preparing ourselves), that he was going to be two pretty soon. And then all of a sudden he was. I guess Bob Dylan was right when he also said that you learn how to swim or you sink like a stone. One thing is for true, I better get my happy rear-end into some swimming lessons,