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Owning Jonah Falcon from GameStooge.

Hey thanks for putting words in my mouth dude. I wasn't trying to be rude but F you.
"Stop making it sound like Halo is some Red Faction knockoff." -When the f**k did I say anything about Halo 3 being a knock off of anything, or being a bad game for that matter? In fact it was a very good game.
"And a map editor, and improved AI, an incredible story with a ****c ending." -Does this make it the 'best gAme evaH!!' for you? S**t, these things have been done before and guess what, I've heard lots of people say it had a crappy ending. And yes I have seen the ending. Nothing ****c about it but hey guess what, it's an opinion. Not a fact!.
"And Microsoft didn't bribe 3M people into preordering." -Yet Sony bribed 1.1 million people into pre-ordering Killzone 2 and over 2 million into buying Killzone. Am I doing it right?
"And are you saying Sony doesn't give away tons of swag? Are you seriously implying that? Yeah, sure." -Let me direct you to what I wrote since you're so selective-> "actually question the whole industry" Guess what, bribing is bribing regardless of who does it.
"And Sony doesn't sacrifice live goats to promote a game, either." Not very relevant but go to a slaughter house if you want to see depraved.
"Um, Sony is "paying" them in web hits that they'll get because only they have the reviews and no one else will - and the future in which Sony will give them more exclusives." -I hope you don't believe that Sony is the only one who does this since you only seem to want to stick it to them. This how the sites make money. Not saying its ethical but please no double standards.
"You still haven't addressed the fact Eurogamer is bending over backwards to reassure everyone Sony didn't influence them - why?" -You still haven't addressed the fact that EGM was trying to reassure everyone that the two Halo 3-themed 360 controllers, Halo 3-edition Elite 360, Master Chief collectible helmet, Xbox Live headset, dog tags, health kit, and some military meals didn't affect their Halo 3 review. But whatever, I'm the Sony Defence Force right?
Hey manipulating reviews is bad but that's not the argument.
You seem to have a vendetta against KZ2. Like you're [bleep] that some people are enjoying it or something. I called it, I knew Killzone 2 was gonna be the most nitpicked game this generation and one of the most controversial but this is getting ridiculous.

He went off like a b*tch after this.

counter strike!!!

I'm done playing the PS2 for now, done playing Dead Rising and GeOW. I ain't even gonna touch consoles for a long time! Just PC. I'm heading to my crappy computer to play CS 1.6 and enemy territory while throwing back skittles and munching on them cheese and bacon ball thingies! Hmmmmm....cheese!!!

Slow Period

My gaming life has almost grinded to a halt, all i'm left playing is NFS:Carbon. Not that i mind, i am god in that game, but i just don't feel like playing too many games right now.Then again i have tests  and homework and LOVE. :oops: Gonna play some Kingdom Hearts 2 and Tenkaichi 2 later on. They'll keep me hooked until i get a PS3. But frankly right now, i just don't give a damn!