I really enjoyed brawl. Sold my wii last year. We played casual. Just friends & family. I am looking forward to nxt gen wii & the nxt smash bros. I am not going to buy a 3ds. So if u have to unlock characters by having a 3ds then I won't be buying a nxt gen wii.
Saying Games are 2 expensive to justify piracy is wrong. If you wait one year to the date that a game comes out typically that game is 1/2 off. If you wait 2 years you can get that game usually for $20 bucks. I have more games to play then I can handle. I seldom buy new games just because they are just as good 2 years from now as they are today.
Imagine yourself not getting paid for what you do. Now imagine the fact that you didn't get paid because people are stealing your stuff or breaking what you do for a living. Then you get on the forums & people are spitting out how you deserve it. I don't know about you but I would be quite upset if that happened to me. What happens if we as consumers break the system that provides us our entertainment? Yes humans are going to do this thus Sony needs to stop this from happening. You get what you pay for. If your not paying for stuff then what does that say? I proudly pay for my music & my games. There was somebody really cool who made those things & I show my appreciation for what they do buy paying for their products & services.
It is interesting to me that the DS is the #1 selling video game device ever. It must be that the general opinion of people on this site has no bearing on actual Nintendo sells. Even though I agree with most of your comments Nintendo must be doing something right. After reading this article I am not interested in getting a DSi. I have no interest in paying +$60.00 for a camera. I wish they would turn the Ds into an iphone of such & sell it for $400.00. That would make may dance.
yes there should have been a top 25! I wish i could have been in on the vote. I don't think super mario 3 deserves The #1 slot. my top 3 would have been zelda (og) excitebike punch out.
savagetofu's comments