• sbaltys’s Activity
  • sbaltys rated DOOM Eternal a score of 8.
  • sbaltys rated Hitman 3 a score of 10.
  • sbaltys posted a message on the post Cyberpunk 2077 Review.

    @mogan: People make too much of cosmetic bugs these days - big whoop, you saw an NPC in t-pose. If its not progression blocking or game-breaking, bugs rarely have a negative impact on my experience.

  • sbaltys posted a message on the post Cyberpunk 2077 Review.

    @kfmush: People with an agenda rarely recognize parody. There are tons of examples in media when you look back. For example, Starship Troopers got awful reviews from critics at the time because they d...

  • sbaltys posted a message on the post Cyberpunk 2077 Review.

    @Cybersonix: Oh, give me a break with this canned response. Sometimes you can look at the production value of a product and know there is a high floor. You don't need to drive a Lexus to know its of h...

  • sbaltys posted a message on the post Cyberpunk 2077 Review.

    Come on, 7/10? Can you image what type of game it would take to get a 10/10 from this person? You'd have to actually jack her into the Matrix, and she would probably still be like, "eh, 9/10."

  • sbaltys posted a message on the post Marvel's Avengers Game, Release Date, Beta Revealed At Square Enix's E3 2019 Conference.

    @Barighm: How so?

  • sbaltys posted a message on the post Remembering 2009: The Games That Turn 10 This Year.

    Great year for games.