Hey, Everyone, guess what?
by sbfullmer on Comments
I'm to be active for a while until I get these done: Roleplay for Sonic Hearts Union___ (Not complete, because it's not active) Finish Making a Movie, then uploaded here___ Get Final Review for My game Chrono Cross Done (Note: For my birthday presents my dad got me these games: Crash Bandicoot Collectors' Edition (Crash 3: Warped, CTR: Crash Team Racing, and Crash Bash) and Chrono Cross and I'm happy about) _X_ Edit My Profile (Because so when I get back for memories and all.....)_X_ and if there's anything else I'll edit here for reasons: -if I put "X" on the list then it's complete -update a list and I'll check around for a while, then once it's done, then next blog, I'm going to explain what I'm about to say. See ya around!!