I'm Back Again!
by sbfullmer on Comments
I had a GREAT vacation. Since I'm here, I've got a lot of things to do. I miss the gamespot. Sorry I was gone for a while, but I'm so happy that I'm Back. I'll be dicussing more later. UPDATE: Anyway, I'm eating taco bell right now. and guess what's going on? I've (oops I mean we as family) got Super Nintendo with games, Because when I got to old neighbor's house we hang out with the three boys name (old to young) Nick, Anthony, and Matt with their parents. When we play super nintendo they have extra super nintendo and they said we can have it and I'll be putting stuff on. Anyway, I think that's all, but maybe more. OH, I forgot! I play their gamecube of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (it was fun) and Super Smash Bros. Melee (which was MORE fun). I can't wait until Super Smash Bros. Brawl because the trailer was FREAKIN AWESOME!!