Today is one of my happiest day! ^_^
by sbfullmer on Comments
I just got the Nintendo Wii this morning (well, early morning), and I went to some gamestop, but when I got to the 1st gamestop. the Wii is out, but he told me there's more at the Metro North Mall, so we went there, and I was in 3rd or 4th place to be in the line, and it was 6 but instead it was......4, so I was SO freaked out, and I bought my OWN Nintendo Wii, so afterwards I went to Mcdonalds (where I worked) and had breakfast. So, then I open it, and now my familly is playing it. So that's all I have. Also from the previouse blog, I'll show you the Drawing character I did later. But anyway, that's all I have. And no, I don't have internet access with mine, but I'll let you know later. Also, in next blog I'll review Wii Sports! ^_^ Question of the Blog: What is your favorite Game (in any system)? Movie of the Blog: Silver the Hedgehog- Hero (Nickelback)