Too Much Video Games, I suppose.......
by sbfullmer on Comments
Yeah, it's been a while since I posted it. And it's my first 2008 posting my blog. There were so many things I had to do, but hey it's life and all. A week ago or so, me and my brother bought my friend's Xbox with 3 controllers (well one sucks, so it's 2) and Halo 2, and it's fun, so now I got PS2, Xbox, and Nintendo wii. And it's freaking crazy!! O_O Also, I'll be buying Nintendo Gamecube Controller, with a memory card, and Used Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, because I thought playing gamecube is fun. So, now technically I can play 4 systems! This is getting overhand with video games!! Abandon ship!!! XD Also, I have Wii number up, but before you do that, send a PM to me to let me know, because if not you will get DELETED! Also, yesterday morning, I had to get wisdom teeth out, and I had numbs and little pains. But for now, I have no numbs anymore, but I'm still having little pain, but not major. So, I'll be better tomorrow or on monday (which I have no school, yes!). That's all it for today. Movie of the Blog: How a hater would respond. Made by DoctorEggman. P.S. DoctorEggman got banned, and he's a bestest friend I had. But the good thing is I can still talk to him on youtube or on my Wii, so it's a good thing. Question of the Blog: (There's been voting polls going around with candidates, so here's one question) Who would you vote for to be the President? If you don't want to answer that's fine, for me I'm voting for Mitt Romeny.