Metroid Prime Hunters, and a 7/10 because the campaign was pretty dissappointing compared to other primes but i still had fun playing it along with the online.
sccmx's forum posts
So i was watching boomerang today while eating breakfast (watching some of the cartoons i used to watch as a kid) and a cartoon network commercial came on about a new episode for a show they air called "total drama action." At the end of that commercial a clip of the online freeware game based on the show was shown and they said this exactly "the best game ever." I found it kinda funny, and was surprised by their aggressive marketing tactic. I was just wondering if anyone here has actually played the game and can vouche for it being the "best game ever."
People on this forum are too intent on dismissing Microsoft exclusives as out of hand simply because they appear on the PC, neglecting to realise that Microsoft is still the only first party profiting from the likes of Splinter Cell Conviction, L4D, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, etc.
They may not be "true exclusives", but it's such a petty distinction to make in the scheme of things.
Exactly what he said, did you guys just skip this and keep arguing when he basically shut the argument down. Exclusive does not mean one console, show me a definition that says exclusive can only refer to one thing, these games are "exclusive" to 360 and pc. Gramatically that statement is correct, you can do that in english. And no where in that do i see ps3, so ps3 vs 360 wise (which this argument is about) those games are exclusive to the 360 side in this two sided argument.
It's either exclusive or it's not. No such thing as "true exclusives", "partly exclusive", "console exclusive", or "company exclusive."
I agree with you first statement but the second doesn't make sense especially the console exclusive and company exclusive, arent microsoft and sony comapnies, and arent the 360 and ps3 consoles. So something exclusive to sony would be company exclusive and something exclusive to 360 would be console exclusive? Also the op compared the 360 vs ps3, and in that sense the games he listed are exclusive to the 360 side of the two-sides, no pc included in the original comparison.
People on this forum are too intent on dismissing Microsoft exclusives as out of hand simply because they appear on the PC, neglecting to realise that Microsoft is still the only first party profiting from the likes of Splinter Cell Conviction, L4D, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, etc.
They may not be "true exclusives", but it's such a petty distinction to make in the scheme of things.
Exactly what he said, did you guys just skip this and keep arguing when he basically shut the argument down. Exclusive does not mean one console, show me a definition that says exclusive can only refer to one thing, these games are "exclusive" to 360 and pc. Gramatically that statement is correct, you can do that in english. And no where in that do i see ps3, so ps3 vs 360 wise (which this argument is about) those games are exclusive to the 360 side in this two sided argument.
I think when sony refers to the life cycle it is talking about it still being shipped to retailers. I mean walk in to Wal-Mart and look, are there still Ps2's being sold as new? yes. How about xboxes and gc's, nope. They are not neccesarily talking about new games coming out that are the blockbusters of the year but they are referring to the ps2 still having life. And currently it does, I gave my wii to my brother and bought a ps2 because of the huge library it offered. With it i bought Kingdom Hearts 1 brand new, a game that came out in 2002 and still has new games being shipped to retailers. seems like the ps2 is still alive to me
no more heros for the wii, seems repetitive
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