First things first, this game goes pretty deep into all the customization it has.
I actually had to restart it 3 times just to get the hang of it.
You start out with 5 Basic ****s, Fighter, Mage, Priest, Thief, and Bard.
The ****system is very similar to The MMORPG Dream Of Mirror Online,
Being that once you've gained a skill on one **** you can carry it over to another. Now the armor custimazation is also amazing. There are tons and tons of different armors. And I'm sure every player will find armor that he/she likes. Even if the armor you like doesnt have the best stats, With a little time, luck, and money, It can be great armor. Now also the weapons, There are more weapons to use in this game than there are in any game I've played in awhile. Same as the armor, you can customize the weapons aswell. One of the coolest part about the weapon system is the ability to dual weild almost any combination of weapons. The customization goes even farther than that.
Don't let the lack of 360/PS3 Graphics Speak for this game. The gameplay and the environment in which you play is what makes it.
The story line is not too bad at all, Given it's a little... Quiet? Quiet as in there just isnt any big "Booms" or "Shocks" in it.
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