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schoolboy1994 Blog

final fantasy opinion!

totaly awesome! some times i would feel a bit lost in the worlds but all and all, it was a great game...more than a great game. i myself thought that serah wasn't cut out to be the main character but SE prooved me wrong, sure she has some "soft" moments in the game but hey, she's a girl! and Noel, i never thought i would say this but he would probably be the best male character in the XIII series. he's not too light-headed like snow, not too unsure like zazh(i don't think i got the name right) and not too childish like hope. i'd say they got it right with this guy back at SE.

(spoiler alert)

the ending though was quite shocking, i could't believe that serah had to die even though Cuis said she would. i always believed that she and noel would survive all the drama and lightning would meet them back at their own time line. BUT...when the last three words appeared on the screen, seconds before the game finished, i felt a bit relieved...i mean " be continued" is always better than " the end " for me! now, i know that the FFXIII director (whose name always slips my mind!) said that they put that sentence at the end to be completed with the DLCs, but he had a press conference in which he said that they're still not finished with the XIII series, well he didn't actually say that but the words he used where kinda a hint. i myself think that there's going to be a third game. SE wouldn't write " be continued" at the end of a game and leave it be! the DLCs also did't lead to an "ending",they were more like the same story from different view points, claimed the people who played them. so it's possible that we get to see lightning and the others once more. another thing...SE has registered a website under the name you go to the website, it's blank! which means that they're going to put stuff on it like they did with the FFXIII-2 website! these clues all lead to one thing...FFXIII-3! who knows...maybe there will be a third, maybe not! i guess we just gonna have to wait till TGS 2012.

i hope that they make FFXIII-3 and rap it up as a trilogy. haters and even fans think it's a bad idea but i'd say SE know what they're doin'...

rest in peace....

i just can not believe the ff union is dead, after all it's been through people simply abandoned it without even having the courage to announce their i know we didn't have much of a LEADER but that doesn't give the members the right to leave the union be. i'm posting this so that someone, somewhere feels just a little bit sorry and decides to come back, it's pretty much a desperate thing to do but there's nothing else left that i can think of.

i'm not trying to force you back into the union but just simply asking whether you're in or out. i don't think it'll take 5 minutes of your time if posted only one post at the union saying you're done with the union....

Oh and XD....i thank you for creating such a union. i'm not trying to be sarcastic and believe me i'm not trying to get smart with anyone. those seven months i spent at the union where the only months i really felt like i belonged to a group...i can't thank you enough for seems like it was never meant to be bro! i'm sure you have your reasons for not showing up but i guess even "reasons" can't revive the union now.

stay boy ;)

I'M BACK!...i guess.

hey guys, sorry i haven't been around lately. i had to face a huge wave of life-taking exams over the past three weeks or so. that's why i had to go into "the shell" if you know what i mean. i'll try and catch up with you guys but it'll take some time...I'll do my best though:P !

so, E3 is on, games have been introduced.... specially, FINAL FANTASY XIII-2!!!! boy am i up in the skies right now! but... i'm sure you guys heard it too,the last phrase of the trailer said by one of them "nora" members...."LIGHTNING IS DEAD"!

WTF!?!?!? what's that supposed to mean... if she's dead then what's she doing fighting that big thingy? she also keeps saying : "....IN A WORLD I NO LONGER EXIST."

i don't know, but what i do know is...we get to play as light and that tops every thing:D

and what's up with this new guy, NOEL? (hope i got the name right) he seems like a "tough outside, soft inside" kind of guy. it suits SQUARE! they usually come up with guys like this...the obvious example, SNOW!

oh what the heck, we probably have to wait till it's out, even though i know i'll love it from the very beginning :P

final fantasy xiii - 2 ?!?!?!

i think i'm gonna die out oof excitement! sure, the trailer doesn't say much abt the story and all but i have a great feeling abt it! from what the trailer shows, there ain't gonna be no zazh, no vanile, no fang,....WHY? i mean the whole story of FFXIII evolved around THESE guys altogether and with them gone i think it'll seem like a puzzle with A LOT OF missing pieces!

how do you guys think it's going to be? does it stand a chance?

hey guys!

"ho, ho, ho,"

any how, Christmas is just around the corner every one! just wanted to get you in the mood!

school's killing me....this may be my last blog! the reason why i posted this is that i think it would be a great idea if we got together some time! i don't know...maybe a place we could talk ! you know....

i'm feeling there's just no more action and excitement since two months ago when we all first met!

think abt it ;)

what? can't it be topic-less?

hey guys...hello? oh well (:|). i guess i'll just keep writing till some one shows up!

school is a huge pain in the "you know where" so i'd rather not open THAT sir! any how, there's been a rumor which goes like this: "VERSUS ON XBOX!?" . now i don't get why the question mark has come second! this was posted somewhere which it's name i can't recall but that's not the point...IS THIS TRUE? i've been jumpin' up and down,crossing my fingers and praying for it to be. don't give me any false hope plz...i can't take two heart attacks in a row :?!

Red Dead Redemption

I've played lots of Rockstar games and...boy....i sure haven't seen something that magnificent before! it was a risky thing to do back at Rockstar...i mean this could have been either a total car crash or an one way ticket to success. but they pulled it off....due to the open world created by those never get tired just riding around in the hot-dry lands of the states.challenging as it may be, RDR is a spectacular game but there's one small thing that i believe hasn't been payed much attention.... the faces! frankly, i didn't expect it to be better than it is because as you already know all the previous main characters in rockstar games weren't much of a hot shot either.

with all that said. RDR is the second best game I've ever played!

final fantasy xiii

the hugest most beautiful final fantasy project without any doubt.... FINAL FANTASY XIII is simply elegant in every aspect. even though i was new to the world od RPG games i was drawn to it immediately after an hour of playing.... i started, having no idea how to level up or customize paradigms...but thanks to the team of FFXIII-who created this master piece with their hearts- i was able to get on the right track with only 1 chapter of playing.

some might remember FINAL FANTASY VII with Vincent Valentine as the game hero.... well that was the game that changed my point of view at games forever.i kinda would have prefferred ff xiii's game-play to be more like theffvii's...although it's unique in it's own way...

i wish that the FINAL FANTASY series keep on coming.... i really do.