I think this review is a bit harsh given it's declared objective which was to give it a facelift with a few minor QOL changes. I'm not going to insult the reviewer like some people, but I hated Diablo 3 and not just because it was more "colorful". That is a massive oversimplification of what they did to the overall look of it. Diablo 3 lacks the soul of Diablo. The fact that the game doesn't warn you that you might get to a hard part is a really weird criticism that I can't really agree with either.
I'm hoping they're going to keep at it because these patch notes are kinda scary. "Connection errors occurring mid-game will now display." ..srsly didn't already have this?
Breath of the Wild was visually on par with 4k console competition in spite of having 1/4 of the resolution. So to see what they will be able to do in 4k will be quite a leap.
Wasn't going to trade my switch for a rev2 but I will most certainly be doing so for this. That said, the dock will need significant improvement aside from 4k which I am certain they will do.
@Jd234: Yup. This type of speedrunning look ago passed the point of "wow, cool", or "oh that's kinda neat". Now it's basically humans being reduced to nothing but slaves to their digital machine gods - basically rats racing through the same virtual (i.e. make-believe) mazes over and over again, trying desperately to get another drop of dopamine to try and give their pointless life some meaning. It's just sad. With articles like this the gaming media is promoting mental illness and obsessive compulsive disorder. A century ago, people used to throw themselves over Niagara Falls in a barrel to try and get media attention. Now they lock themselves away and run imaginary mazes over and over and over and over and over and over again...
I actually am sympathetic to your interpretation to a degree, but this describes much of human activity and we shouldn't just pick on video game players.
schu's comments