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A Quick update.

First of all, thanks for all you kind word in my last blog.

He went to the Dr. yesterday and turns out everything is fine. Just a freak thing I guess. In fact, he's very healthy. So, while he was there they decided to give him some shots :lol: Poor guy, sore arm. Naturally I gave him a good punch to the arm :lol: Hey, he punched me first :P . I told him, "You punch me in the arm, and I'll punch you back." :P

Camping was fun. This was my annual branch trip: Everyone from my work goes and their family. Friday night we were up until 2 am partying. The camp host came by the next morning and told us we were too loud and that someone had complained. So Saturday night we stayed up late anyways, but we were much quieter. I took a few pics and a funny video of a guy that works for me doing a seal impression in the river. He's a pretty big guy and it was hilarious. Then when he was getting out, he fell backwards in slow motion onto the rocks. We all had a good laugh at that. I've never seen someone fall so slow in my life. He's ok, hurt his wrist a little, but he'll live. He showed up to work yesterday, so that's a good sign :lol: I didn't take a lot of pictures, and the one's that I did take are either too graphic for GS, or just aren't that interesting. But, I'm going again this weekend with a lot more people (not work people), so I'll be sure to take some good pictures and post them next week. Hopefully we won't get kicked out :lol:

