- Ocarina of Time released on the Switch
- N64 Online in general
- Metroid Prime 4
ScoobyS's forum posts
More often than not I find myself hearing about these things and thinking "Who asked for this?"
@hallenbeck77: I too was surprised with WB adding Game of Thrones into the mix. I saw Draco & one of the Dragons and also saw Pennywise aka IT, WB is really throwing in alot of adult content stuff when this is clearly should be all about Looney Tunes. I'm just worry they're gonna cram lots of cameo much similar to Ready Player One, a movie I didn't like at all.
Yeah the book Ready Player One was great because there were tons of references to actual things from various decades, but the movie really catered to gen Z and younger millennials by only referencing a lot of pop culture stuff from the past 10-15 years.
Then again can you blame them? I don't think most people watching the movie would understand references to Rush's 2112 album or text-based games like Zork, things referenced in the book.
I loved the book Ready Player One for exactly the references you gave as examples; Rush's 2112 and Zork. I also knew they would cater to the younger, current audience and figured I would pass on this. Looks like I made the right decision if they don't have those references in the movie.
Also, Fallout 4 menu music is amazing.
Tony Hawk and skate games. But as far as original music I’d have to say Final Fantasy.
I agree with Tony Hawk sound tracks. I have songs from their soundtracks in my daily playlist.
Another one I haven't seen mentioned is Halo Wars 2 OST.
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