So I've been playing a bunch of great games and suprisingly none of them are for the PC. I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hour Glass, Guitar Hero 3, and well I got Rock Band for christmas but I'll tell you about that later in the blog.
Out of all these the one I have been enjoying the most has definately been Mario Galaxy. The game is absolutely amazing. It's just so perfect. I'm really not usually a fan of platformers but this game is just so much fun. It's definately somewhere in my top 5 for my game of the year (btw I'll post my games of the year up on my blog sometime in January, I don't feel it's fair to say what my game of the year is when there are a few possible contenders that I haven't played yet). The co-op in Mario is really fun too. Me and my brother have been playing it together and he's had lots of fun. I think we're on our 42nd star.
So the next game I've been playing is Phantom Hour Glass. I've played most of this in the car on the way to see some relatives for Christmas. It's also been very enjoyable. I've also never been a fan of Zelda games but I've enjoyed this game a bunch. The controls are very fun since everything is controled by the touch screen and it's satisfying to figure out the puzzle and discover new islands and stuff like that.
Last game on my list is guitar hero 3, I've played all the way through it on hard, and well, It's guitar hero. I've enjoyed the song list a lot more though. They did a much better job choosing songs.
So about Rock Band. Well my mom payed for the 360 version of Rock Band, and it turns out when they brought it back to her the brought the ps3 version. I noticed this when opening it yesterday, luckily before I started pulling everything out. She's going out to pick up the 360 version right now, but I don't blame her for getting the wrong copy. She ordered the right thing, and they just brought her the wrong thing. She was also kind of frustrated because she had been waiting for a very long time to get it. Also if you look on the Rock Band box the console it is for is easily found. You have to look for it.
Also my brother has gotten into world of warcraft. I think he has a lvl 11 dwarf hunter, but it's really annoying he always asks me to play. I'm done with wow though. It's fun and I casually play it sometimes with my friends because it's the only way to get in touch with some of them, but I definately don't play it as much as I use to.
Well anyway that's been what I've been playing this week. I'm probably going to buy Company of Heroes: opposing fronts. Steam is having a huge sell. So I'll probably buy that and some other stuff from the steam store soon.