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scottbellamy Blog

my last blog :(

this is my last blog on this account its going rely wered my dad will look into it but i dont think it will get fixed so my new account is called "justice234" if anyone cares

so bye for know hope to see u all on myother account "justice234"

MW2 my Barracks

Im on my first Prestige

Score: 685070

Rank: master Sergeant ll (23)

Wins: 326

Losses: 512

Ties: 3

Win streak: 8

Kills: 6679

Head shots: 433

assists: 998

streak: 19

deaths: 8488 :(

Time played: 3-D 22-H 29-M

Accuracy: 17.17

Hits: 20887

Misses: 100699 :(

most used wepon: ACR & RPG

MW2 my new barracks

once agen im bored so this is how much its changed sinc the last one i posted:

Rank: Magor General III 61

Wins: 220

Losses: 356

Ties: 3

Wins streak: 8

Score: 470030

Kills: 4566

Headshots: 293

Assists: 663

Killstreak: 19

Deaths: 5313

Time played: 2D 17h 6m

most used wepon: ACR & M1014

Modern Warefare 2 Barracks

i was bored agen so i made this blog on myscore, rank,kill streakin MW2(it will chang in like 2 mins but for know this is it)

Rank: clonel lvl 50

Score: 295480

wins: 152

Losses: 249

Ties: 3

Win streak: 8

Kills: 2873

Headshots: 177

Assists: 431

Streak: 19

Deaths: 3620

Time Played: 1 Day 21 Hours 26 minets

Most used wepon: ACR & Ranger

its been 2 years.......

its been 2 years sinc I joined GS and its been a great 2 years iv meet new people and figurd out im not the only DBZ fan 8)

i hope itll be a good year