Also, I assume that by taking out my HD my data and my Xbox live stuff isn't going to be affected? The person I talked to said something about my Xbox live being compensated in some way... anybody know anything about that?
scottdude8's forum posts
Thanks for all the help. Some follow up questions:
1) I'm getting conflicting answers from you guys regarding the refurbished thing. I guess my main question is this: when you guys have gotten your 360 back, has it been in better or worse condition overall, beyond no RROD?
2) I'm pretty sure I'm using my own box... so how does that work? When I called the person didn't even give me an option of a pre-done box... which is easier or quicker?
3) Overall, have any of you experienced the RROD after the repair?
4) Also, does anyone know whether this happens completely haphazardly or for a specific reason? I was, again, obviously pissed this happened, especially since I've taken good care of my Xbox especially to prevent this.
1) I decided to just send it in and not deal with any of the "fixes"... they said it will take 2-3 weeks. How long have people experienced?
2) Once they fix the XBox, is it fixed for good, or will the RROD return? I also heard something weird about them sending back someone else's refurbished Xbox... what does that mean, and is it true?
3) The person I talked to from support wasn't too competent... can anyone briefly explain the shipping process? She mentioned something weird about writting my reference number on my shipping box and taping it onto the console?
Also, I'm curious as to there is any rhyme or reason as to when this happens... I only ask because I tried to take really good care of my Xbox in order to prevent this... so the whole situation pisses me off.
Hi all. Forgive me for sounding naive yet again, but I'm confused here (obviously). Any (constructive) help is greatly appreciated.
Everything I am reading on the XBox website, etc makes me believe that all the Xbox's can use HDMI, but only the Elite comes with the HDMI cable. All I saw on the back of my Xbox was an A/V jack. I'm wondering if the HDMI cable just goes there, but is a bit different? I'm going to look at my Xbox closer tomorrow. Any help from someone who really knows this stuff is appreciated. Again, sorry for sounding stupid, but I'm new with this stuff.
Also, if it helps the TV I'm going to be using is a Samsung Series 4 450. I haven't opened it yet (going to ship it to college) so I'm not sure if it will even work with a normal component HD input.
Well, I don't have an HDMI port. Kind of dissapointing, I had assumed it was there.
Forgive me, but I'm not an HDTV expert here. What are my options exactly (in plain english, please)? Can I still hook it up using HDMI? If so, how? Do most HDTV's still have normal HD input jacks, or will I have to use HDMI?
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