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Hannah Montana?? Seriously?

So, yesterday I log into andnoticedthatHannah Montana was the numberoneMost Popular show on I actually took adouble take.Hannah who? After clicking on the link I come to findit is a show on Disney, which explains why I've never heard of it. As the day goes on, and I continueon to myvarious internet stops for sports scores and other news, I see that it was a big Hannah day. Many other stories were showing up about some new CD or DVD or something. I didn't read any of the stories, but I wrote off the numberone spot as a daily surge for the show.

However, next day comes and she's still sitting there. Now... either the site has a bug (which is certainly a good chance)... or I've completely under estimated the demographic of this site. Further down the top ten include the shows Avatar andNaruto, both animation shows. Now, I don't watch either and I'd expect them to have some adult followings, in that "I like comic books" kinda way. Which is completely fine... to each their own.. and if you enjoy it, roll with it. But I'm still amazing that more main stream dramas and comedies are not more popular on this site. And three of the top ten shows are of the category "kids' shows."

Now, fan sites like this one always suffer from not always following what the rest of America watchs, so "popular" is only for those that come here. The fact that this is a world wide site will factor into that. Also, some of the most popular shows on TV ("Idol", "Smarter.. 5th grader", "So You.. Dance?", etc) don't really have that "run to the forums once it's over" appeal. This explains why cult classics like Lost, Heroes, Prison Break, Smallville seem to dominate the top ten, when these shows are mostly "average" when it comes to actual tv ratings.

But Hannah Montana? I shouldn't mock something I've never watched. I'm sure it's a good show and perhaps a very popular for the pre-teens, but HOW is it more popular than Lost? Ok.. that's not on til January. How about Closer?.. or 4400?.. or Rescue Me?. both are popular cable shows that just started new seasons. I thought Closer was the most watch cable series.... ever.. or whatever those commericals say. Not even top 10 here? At least Entourage made the currently popular list.

Either this site if full of "kids" that have nothing to do all summer but watch their shows and come here (which I won't even begin to say how sad that would be) or the quality of mainstream television is SO bad that kids shows and cartoons are starting to rule the world, not counting the adult cartoons like Simpsons, FamilyGuy and South Parkof course.