For starters, I'll ask why people complain that XIII is linear, yet they call X a quality game when it was just as linear. Contradiction ftw. XII is awful, but I really enjoyed XIII. I don't care that it's linear, and I absolutely love the battle system. And about that, I think people bash it because it's different, and it's labeled Final Fantasy. Innovation is gold in the game world, yet this is frowned upon when it's an excellent solution. A matter of taste, of course.
exactly my friend, final fantasy 10 was SOOO linear in the beginning as is final fantasy 13 but of course people don't remember thatI think part of it was that you could backtrack and could still progress forward at your own pace. You can do nothing like that in XIII; until the end of the game, once you get to a new chapter, that's it, you can't go back at all. Plus, the world felt very artificial in XIII, as there were no towns to explore, only one time where the game takes a leisurely pace where you don't feel threatened, and you never once deal with shopkeepers; only online shops are available, like Crisis Core.The result is that XIII feels like something pretty to look at, with a world to save that you never care about, while in X you deal with a world that just feels more alive. You want to save Spira because it's a world worth saving, while Cocoon... not so much. Square's biggest problem is that they forgot how to make people care about the world they created for the game, and this is because they've shifted their focus to making a flashy, cinematic experience at the expense of good writing, good localization, an engaging story, a world to enjoy, and characters that hold your interest. They took steps toward this with VII, but by XIII, it feels as though they may as well be making an interactive movie instead of a game. VII started it, IX moved it back in the right direction, X was when I seriously to get worried (first FF game that I had no interest in replaying), and XIII is where I say they've lost it.
VI is still my favorite game in the series, and until they remember what made it great, FF will continue to slide.
My thoughts exactly.
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