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scout10101 Blog

Wii on the net.

Hey, guys!!! I am typing this on my Wii! Just got a router, set up the net, and I was off!!! Takes a longggg time to type. I love the weather and news channel, as well as the Everybody Votes Channel. I don't have some Wii Points yet but I will get some soon! So that's that. See Ya!!!

lots of levels, OH MY!!!!!

I got the lvl16 curse. I stayed at 16 for a while(1 day) and then the nextday I was lvl17. AWSOME!!!!!! In other news, I have been reading two books, The Single Shard (A book about a homeless boy becoming a potters aprentice) and the Andromna Strain ( A leathel strain of virus that can kill withen seconds) I recomend that you pick up both, there good reads. See Ya!!!!

New Union

Hey Guys! I am creating a new union. Or re-creating. I tried and failed to create a union caled the Game Creators Union. A union all about game ideas, game creation, and other things sorounding that subject. I am also creating a part in the GCU for flash games. If anyone wants to join, contact me!

Level 13 !!!!!1!!!

I am going to make a blog post announcing that I got to another level every time I get to another level.

 So I got to level 13! Yea!!! Crud now what am I soupposed to do now? Get level 14?

System Wars Peace Core

This is to anyone reading this blog. Join me on my mission to keep peace in the system wars. If you join your resposiblty will be to try to make people in the system wars accept other system, and fans of those systems. If you convert at least one person, you have done your mission. But the grand goal is that all people in the system wars follow our ways. For if you take the peace within the consels, you will become a Zen, a fanboy, or liker of all gaming, including the PC. So please, join my ways, so that people may learn true peace, within the Systems.

Oh and if you do want to join my ways, just leave a comment.

PS.S. If you want it to be a union, leave a comment that you want it to be a union. Thanks!!!

The Last Stand

Look, this war between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft has been going way to long. Here I am, going to decide which of the Gaming Machines will stand on top.

I have played all of the gaming gaints machines and heres how I judge them.

Gamplay Ability: Gameplay is what makes a game, Sony with it's 6 axis control has a good gameplay, but still lacks in most of the games. Microsoft has a basic gameplay ability in that it is just a normal controler. Nintendo, hands down has the most gameplay ability. With it's free axis motion sensor and stuff has the most gumption in terms of gameplay. Winner Wii.

Graphics: Great, this one again. Ok, PS3, this has the Blu-Ray and all the fancy stuff. It also has beautiful graphics. The PS3's graphics are one of the better of the three. 360, yes the great battle between the graphics of the 360 and the PS3. Microsoft has the most experience in next-gen graphics and they have tweaked the hell out of the 360 to make it one of the most powerfull graphics out there. Wii, ok heres the deal, I think that at the Wii's best, it can create launch 360 looks. End of story. Winner, 360

Value for your money: Ok lets put all we said into the melting pot and see what it all comes down to, Value. PS3, yes this has all the cool extras and the Blu-Ray, but for $500 or $600 I could buy my own tv! Not much to say in the value department.  360, yes this is one of the cheaper of the graphical power houses but the cooling issue and the lack of party games makes this one a downer. There is hope though for the 360 in the family friendly department with "Viva Pinata". Wii, With a price tag of $250 and many cool tital's  here and many coming this, in the long term is your best choice. Also it has a number of family friendly games. winner Wii.

Note: I judged on the current facts of the 3 companys and the games. please do not call me a PS3 hater or a Wii Lover. I have played all 3 andjuged them on my impression. Than You.

Cardinals Won!!!!!!!!

WE WON!!!!!!!!!! I was off my seat(at home) the whole time, o and I couldn't breathe either. My dad was there and it was his birthday! Happy Birthday Dad! Do you like your present? I was at Game 4 of the playoffs when we were playing the Padraes. I still can't belive we won!