i'm not a tech whiz by any means, so I'm wondering if any of understand what I don't know about graphics and can explain to me. Yes, I thought Crysis 2 looked good, but in my mind it didn't come close to some PS3 exclusives like Killzone 3 or uncharted 2 and 3, as for cross platform, to my naked eye, even Far Cry 3 looks way better than crysis 2. I realize that art style is subjective, but I don't see how crysis 2 was so groundbreaking...is there something I'm not understanding technically when it comes to shadows or lighting or something? Just to clarify, I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm just trying to understand this
@DomZeal exactly! I think it makes sense for them to try to hit other demographics, I just don't think their marketing money bought them a picture that is going to convince new customers to get excited about it
@batman_is_gaey @scraping101 I understand their reasoning. I'm not arguing that they should market it to me...I just think the new box art is kind of silly - I don't think it will hurt or help the game. I do find it kind of funny, however, that they spent this amount of marketing money hoping that it will attract people who aren't aware of the series. I'm not sure it effectively targets that demographic...like my comment said, I'm trying to imagine I'm looking at that box art for the first time with no knowledge of the series thinking, "man, this this guy looks like he wears women's underwear." Not that I wouldn't be nice, or be-friend a man who wears women's underwear, I just wouldn't feel very bad-ass playing a character that looks like he wears women's underwear. Just sayin'
If I didn't know bioshock, I might think this is a broke back mountain tie-in... Since I know I know this is bioshock, I think it looks like a dumbed down version of the game. I still remember the first time I saw this game, in the store. The box art with that crazy machine and creepy little girl kind of freaked me out, so I bought it, and loved it.
Ive been thinking about buying one for a while now, but can't bring myself to do it. I keep thinking of all the times I'm in a situation and I feel like playing a hardcore game.... The only place I want to do that is on my couch with a big TV, not while im out and about. When I'm out and about, I'm just fine with simple mobile games. That's the problem with mobile gaming systems, most people don't have time for 8-10 hour story while out and about. Until the vita shows some awesome way to interact with the ps3, I'm not going to get one.
I was kind of hoping they'd carry on with a setting in my home town of salt lake city, like they touched on with new Vegas expansion that was set in southern Utah, in Zion's national park. They could really create an interesting atmosphere with what would be keft over of the the Mormon cult and polygamy branch off...
This makes sense and is a logical step since so many people are asking for it. I just hope doesn't mean they won't keep pumping out single player elder scrolls and fallout games as well. For me personally, elder scrolls games are about tuning out the entire world and getting lost in their single player games. As long as there will be an elder scrolls six in the future, single player I'm fine with this.
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