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A New Blog :O

Ok... So I guess it's finally time to post a new blog...

I'm sitting in CCC's Comp. Lab waiting for my class to start, cause today's the first day of the new semester... I tell you what there's nothing like your first class being a Sociology class... Let alone it being "Death & Dying", but I usually make fun of the dead and have little pitty for the dying... So I guess being a pastor I really should take the class on helping ppl deal with this stuff...

In other non-school related news... **I got my character on Oblivion to lvl 27... and got to lvl 100 marksman... SWEET!!! I'm also almost done the main story line, reached head of all the guilds, and only have to defeat the head daedric prince and close his gate to get all the achievments...**    **I got kinda pissed off and stopped playing Dead Rising for a little while (which would be why I'm getting so far in Oblivion)**   **I'm waiting and getting really anxious for the new TES: Shivering Isles, Fable 2, Evleon, Two Worlds, and Oblivion for PSP to come out...**

And in other non-gaming news... I burned my arm on my wood stove today, and it really hurts... I am now leading a service at my church specifically for college ppl... I really like actually getting to be someone's pastor... :D

PS. I'm really happy SilentDeath777 is back... :D