scurface's forum posts
horale homes, were gonna miss you. :( R.I.P.
Listen I don't want to be giving your hopes up and I especially don't want to insult a dead person but there is absolutely no evidence of Eddie's death on any of the news websites like CNN, FoxNews or ABC News. To be honest, the only place i've found it is on|inferno-gaahey man they can lie to you that someone is getting released but they dont joke about death
sorry 2 be off topic 4 the moment but does anyone know how to make a banner cause I don't know how? I have photoshop.
I think that on Friday when SD! comes on(11/18/05) they will have a tribute video remembering Eddie. Like I said SD! v.s. RAW '07 or w/e they call it won't have him in. Unless they do the same thing for Hawk in SD! vs. Raw where you can get him as an unlockable
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