Theme - Birds of a Feather, Rosenbergs.
?:We've been waiting for you.
|Said the chilling voice of Nevermore and Tsubasa as theysaw Ex and co. walk out of the arena, which is where they slept all night.
Nevermore: Tsubasa, you ready?
Tsubasa: S-sure...
|Tsubasa jumped off the rock they were standing on, and Ex walked forward.
Ex: I guess this is it.
Tsubasa: I am NOT holding back!
Ex: *Shrugs* Whatevah. *Gets in a fighting position.*
Tsubasa: Heh. *Pulls out a box. Smirks* Take THIS!
|She opened the box, revealing an egg. She then stomped on the ground, making a small crater. Then, she pulled out a bottle, and dumped a red liquid in the crater, then dropped the egg in it. It cracked, and out came a tan man with a mohawk, and a punk looking girl.
Man: Im Mohawk Mace. She don't matter. It only matters that *He smirks* She's an eldel raid.
Ex: Oh....S**T!
|Mace smiled, and him and the girl fused, making Mowhawk Mace's arms turn into douuble mace's, and spikes came out his back.
Mowhawk:Guess you've seen Elemental Gelade.
|Mace ran at Ex, swinging his arms crazy. Ex tried to block, but it swung into his stomach, and he heard a big CRACK!, and then blood poured out the many small holes made from the mace. Ex fell, grabbing his stomach.
Mace: WHats wrong, ya done already? *Laughs*
Ex: *Shakily gets up* Naw, but you will be! GRAV-OCUS!
|Ex moved his arms, the way Master Roshi did in DB when he first preformed the Kamahamea.
Ex: Sil-va-Seer-yn-No-ma-Un-DA! GRAVITIC....BLAAAAST-EH!
|Ex used his gravitic powers to fling hard air all at Mace, bt right before it hit him. it split into 4 differant blasts: Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. Then, they all reflected back and slammed into Mowhawks back, leaving him scarred and hurt... But Ex fell down, being warn out... but, he just whipped out a senzu bean, and re-healed himself. But, Mowhawk also came back up.
Mowhawk: Yo think THAT will be enough? HA!|He dove at Ex, and halfway there, his Mowhawk stretched and slammed into Ex's right leg...and ripped it off.
Dave: HOLY S**T!
|Dave ran upto Ex, who just fell over in utter pain. Dave ripped off the artificial skin on his arms, and he sent a bunch of mechanical bugs at the remains of the leg,, and sent something in his leg, giving him a robot leg.
Ex:...Well that was rushed.
Dave: Just shut up and be thankful you have a friend with robot arms.
Ex: Haha, yeah. *Turns back to Mowhawk Mace.* Okay im f***ing done with your s***ty a**. Dave, get back there while I deal with this dips***
.Dave: Right. Don't want to be here while you were angry.
|Dave stepped out while Mace ran at Ex, flailin' away.
Ex: AWW F*** naw!
|Ex kicked the mace away, and punched Mowhawk in the stomach
|Ex's celebration was cut short, as Ex fell to the ground, a sword going through his stomach. Tsubasa held the sword proudly.
Tsubasa: You REALLY shoulda paid more attention to me!
Ex:...I DID!
|Tsubasa held a shocked expression as the sword disinagrated, and he pressed his palm, sending Mowhawk Mace and Tsubasa back, Mowhawk in front. A mechanical baseball bat, and metal ball with spikes, appered.
Ex: Lets play this fun!
|He got the bat in a swinging position, and tossed the ball.
Ex:Its a little trick I learned from Dave.... DEADLY! KIZUNA! IPPATTTTSSSSUUUUU!
Dave: Its Deadly DANGER Ippatsu!
|Ex yelled as the ball headed straight for Mace...Oh, and the ball lit on fire. Anyway, it went STRAIGHT through Mowhawk, and he dsinagrated into smoke and blood, but...the ball spun back at Tsubasa, going through HER armor and stomach! He ran over
Ex: THIS is for me to win!
|Then...He curb stomped her. Litterally.
Rapier:...note to self, NEVER P*** him off
!Nevermore: Feel good about yourself? Well, look ahead.
|Ex looked, and Syaoran from Tsubasa:RC was headin his way, with a PI**ED off look.
Ex: WHats wrong....
EX: what?....Oh...OH GAWD NO!
|Syaoran lifted up her mask...revealing Tsubasa/Sakura, from Tsubasa.
Ex:...Oh lord I killed the princess....