Thats right, folks. Im on my laptop at the newest Yu-gi-oh Booster pack Sneak preview. If you don't know what they are... whell, I can't explain because I have to make this quick, but look 'em up.
Here's a list of noticeable cards I got!
Ghost rare: 0
Ultimate : 0
Ultra: 1
- Spledndid Rose
Secret - 1
- Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak(w00t! I can finish my Koa'ki's!)
Super - 4
-Hydro Genex
-Core Overclock(I got 2! 1 from pack, other from trading 2 Ghibli the Searing WInd's)
-XX-Saber Boggart Knight(I have 2! I got an extra in a trade)
Rares: 5
-Infernity Avenger
-Dread Dragon
-Delta Tri
-Akz, The Pumer
-Koa'ki Meiru Prototype.
Honorable Commons:
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman
Genex Undine
Genex Controller
Koa'ki Meiru Initialize(I got it in a trade)
Card Breaker
Flare Resonator
Lyna the Light Charmer.
So yeah. After getting these cards I FINALLY finished my Koa'ki Meiru deck and my X/XX-Saber decks!!!
Well, gotta go play my 3rd match. ttyl.