One of the recent games I have played on my Xbox360 was Dead Rising. While it was fun killing zombies with wooden benches, flower pots and zombie arms, the other interesting thing about this game is taking pictures of thos zombie in action.
It's fun taking snapshots of people and the action and getting points for it. After awhile of having fun taking photos in the game instead of playing it, I just realised that I have been away from my photography hobby. I began looking through my old photos and wonder what I can do with them.
I grabbed a book called "Create You Own Photoblog" by Catherine Jamieson. With this book, I learn that you can create a simple photoblog to showcase your photos online. It seems quite simple to do so I followed the instructions from the book.
I compiled some of my old photos that I liked, registered a flickr account, got a webhost and domain name, installed a content management system on it and published my own photoblog. The book has many good tips for a newbie and a hobbyist photographer like me.
This photoblog is my new toy for now. I'll keep it updated by posting some new photos once in awhile. There are still some of my old photos that need to be scanned and some need some searching in the piles of old photo albums.
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