Looks like bravely default is a huge download compared to other games. Gonna need to find my adapter for my micro sd to add a secone memory card.
sdn61387's forum posts
I currently have enough money for two games, and seeing as how the next gen consoles (I just have an xbox one) have almost nothing in terms of rpgs minus what the wiiu has, I need to look to the 3ds for my rpg fix. I have fire emblem already, so I need to pick up a few others. I have it narrowed down to monster hunter, etrian odyssey ( i guess theres two different ones?), and bravely default. Unless theres a strong case for anything else, its probably going to be from that lot. The knack I have against MH is that I heard its a huge pain to play without the extra circle pad attachment. I am fine with all types of rpgs so the subgenre is not important.
Im pretty sure this is fake. Would be super easy to take a video of someone doing the controller simulating lag while its actually being controlled by a second controller off screen.
My assumption is that these people are primarily showing the ps4 version because the game comes out on ps4 first as it releases earlier. Not too worried. Though cows need whatever boost they can since multiplats is all they have to play for now on ps4.
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