people are gonna buy ps3 slims this holiday season. they will buy all the exclusives that playstation already has out. we will see if halos numbers can match god of war 3 when it comes out.
bought mine at eb games on launch day. i bought 2 extra controllers, resistence, ridge racer 7, tiger woods 07, and an hdmi cable. i havent had A SINGLE PROBLEM(unlike with my xbox 360 on my 3rd already).
i think everyone that has played this game and think that the graphics are good (playstation 3 wise) are retarded. compared to damn near any other ps3 game the game looks like crap. i didnt play it online because i was so disappointed with the graphics. ill just keep playing cod 3 if i want to play online but i will agree with the online thing i think its just his conection. but it doesnt matter what setting his tv is at the ps3 will do it automatically convert it to optimal settings thats what one of the updates that sony put out does.
i dont see how sony can lower the price to much because they are already losing mony on these systems as it is. that aside, look at what you get for the money you pay if you want the xbox 360 elite wireless network adapter and hd dvd player after tax over 800 dollars. you get the wireless network built in hdmi already and blu ray built for 600. you can upgrade the hard drive to damn near any size you want. why is everybody **** about the price. there will be games that come out for the ps3 soon and it will eventually pass wii and the 360.
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